Prezes Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności Kazimierz Nitsch a Petersburska Akademia Nauk (w świetle zbiorów archiwalnych)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe President of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Kazimierz Nitsch and the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences (according to archival documents)
Data publikacji: 2022
Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny, 2015, XXI, s. 99-114
The President of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Kazimierz Nitsch and the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences (according to archival documents)
Contacts between Kazimierz Nitsch (1874–1958) – Krakow linguist, professor of Jagiellonian University, member and president of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences – with the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences began even before the Polish scientist was elected to be one of its members. Evidence of these contacts can be found in the collections of the Saint-Petersburg Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the PAN and PAU Archives in Krakow and the Archives of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. K. Nitsch, while still a privatdozent of Jagiellonian University, following recommendations from Jan Rozwadowski and Jan Baudouin de Courtenay, was invited to become an author of the multi-volume Encyclopedia of Slavonic Philology, published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the goal of writing a section on Polish dialectology. In connection with this, Nitsch undertook a wide range of dialectological trips to the Polish Kingdom, which were possible thanks to the organisational support of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Evidence of this support is stored among the Department’s documents. The dialectological trips were just one of the areas of early cooperation between K. Nitsch and the Saint-Petersburg Academy. The other areas are reflected in the correspondence conducted by K. Nitsch with Aleksey A. Shakhmatov (1864–1920), President of the Department of Russian Language and Literature as well as with Boris M. Lyapunov (1862–1943), a Russian Slavonic expert, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who after the death of A. A. Shakhmatov and E. F. Karski (1860–1931), the second great Slavonic expert and organiser of science, became a key figure connecting the Russian and European worlds of Slavonic experts. The St Petersburg Archives of the Russian Academy 114 Larisa Bondar, Marina Ponikarovskaya of Sciences contain letters from K. Nitsch to A. A. Shakhmatov from the years 1909–1914 and to B. M. Lyapunov from 1930–1936; the PAN and PAU Archives in Krakow contain letters to K. Nitsch: from A. A. Shakhmatov during the years 1908–1912 and from B. M. Lyapunov in 1928–1938. The content of this correspondence presents two basic directions of cooperation: participation in the preparation of Polish and Soviet Slavonic publications as well as organisation of the academic exchange of books. The close contacts between K. Nitsch and Soviet linguists as well as his excellent scientific achievements meant that the USSR Academy of Sciences decided to present him as a candidate for membership. The first application was submitted by B. M. Lyapunov in 1933, however, the election took place significantly later – in 1947 when K. Nitsch had already taken up the position of President of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Archiwum Nauki Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, Spuścizna Kazimierza Nitscha (1874–1958), ref. no. K III-51, 196.
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Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Katedra i seminarium filologii słowiańskiej, ref. no. WF II 155.
Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, [Akta osobowe] ref. no. S II 619, Kazimierz Nitsch.
Gruszecka-Nitschowa Aniela: Całe życie nad przyrodą mowy polskiej. Kazimierz Nitsch i jego prace. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1977.
Kazimierz Nitsch 1874–1958, editorial series “W służbie nauki”, no. 18. Krakow: Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2011.
Крымский Агафангел E.: Украинская грамматика для ученико в высших классов гимназий и семинарий Приднепровья, Vol. 1, part 1, 2, 6; Vol. 2, part 1, “Rocznik Slawistyczny” 1909, Vol. 2, pp. 135–174.
Łoś Jan, Nitsch Kazimierz, Rozwadowski Jan: W sprawie “Rocznika Slawistycznego”. Krakow: Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 1910.
Mały atlas gwar polskich. Edited by Kazimierz Nitsch, Vol. 1–2. Wroclaw: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1957–1959.
Nitsch Kazimierz: Próba ugrupowania gwar polskich, “Rozprawy Wydziału Filologicznego Akademii Umiejętności” 1910, Vol. XLVI, pp. 336–365.
Nitsch Kazimierz: Wybór pism polonistycznych, Vol. 1–4. Wroclaw: Zakład im. Ossolińskich, 1954–1958.
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Poczet członków Akademii Umiejętności i Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności w latach 1872– 2000. Edited by Rita Majkowska. Krakow: Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 2006.
Urbańczyk Stanisław: Nitsch Kazimierz Ignacy. In: PSB, Vol. 23. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1978, pp. 145–150.
Informacje: Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny, 2015, XXI, s. 99-114
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
The President of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Kazimierz Nitsch and the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences (according to archival documents)
Filia Archiwum RAN, St. Petersburg, Rosja
Russian Academy of Sciences, Petersburg, Russia
Publikacja: 2022
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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-Języki publikacji:
AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 318
Liczba pobrań: 465