Wdrożenie pomiarów giroskopowych w kopalni podziemnej na przykładzie ruchu „Borynia" w Jastrzębskiej Spółce Węglowej
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEImplementation of gyroscope measurements in underground mines; focus on the mine of ruch (unit) „Borynia” in the Jastrzębie Coal Company
Data publikacji: 19.12.2019
Geoinformatica Polonica, 2019, Vol. 18 (2019), s. 113-120
Implementation of gyroscope measurements in underground mines; focus on the mine of ruch (unit) „Borynia” in the Jastrzębie Coal Company
Making excavations in underground mining enterprises is carried out in a strict co-operation of miners and mine surveyors. Carrying out exploitation in horizontal and vertical direction is based on the application of the control line, the accuracy characteristics of which is defined by legal regulations. Fulfilling accuracy requirement referring to the error of the point situation and the error of the line azimuth is often impossible without the application of gyroscopes. The implementation of gyroscope measurements in an underground mine is, first of all, connected with: better adjustment to the regulations referring to making measurements in mine excavations, especially in one-sided sequences, gyroscope measurements on the existing lines on the surface and in excavations, making the orientation of the excavations, constructing new levels in mines or new mines. The process of the implementation of gyroscope measurements was divided into several stages, i.e.: the development of the basic orientation line on the surface of the Ruch „Borynia” with newly stabilized points, on which a static GPS measurement, referring to the reference stations of grid ASG-EUPOS, carrying out the transformations of the co-ordinates of system 2000 to mine system SG-ROW and calculation of the azimuth of the lines in a local geodetic system, carrying out gyroscope measurements on several lines of the base on the surface in Ruch „Borynia”, determining gyroscope azimuths in mining excavations. The article also presents the results of first measurements made in mine excavations i.e. in one survey in Ruch „Zofiówka” and two surveys in Ruch „Borynia”, where in the distance of about 3.5 km, between the lines of gyro, the measurement was carried out with the method of transect sequence with the method of three tripods. In the final conclusions of the article the conclusions of first experience of gyroscope measurements by the surveying department of Ruch „Borynia” JSW S.A. and initial assessment of the accuracy of gyrotheodolite Sokkia GYRO X1 II are made.
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Informacje: Geoinformatica Polonica, 2019, Vol. 18 (2019), s. 113-120
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Implementation of gyroscope measurements in underground mines; focus on the mine of ruch (unit) „Borynia” in the Jastrzębie Coal Company
Wdrożenie pomiarów giroskopowych w kopalni podziemnej na przykładzie ruchu „Borynia" w Jastrzębskiej Spółce Węglowej
AGH University of Science and Technology, Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Polska
JSW S.A. Ruch Borynia
JSW S.A. Ruch Borynia
Publikacja: 19.12.2019
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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