Features of architecture of ukraine in 1920030's on examples of Kyiv and Kharkiv

Publication date: 09.05.2016

Housing Environment, 2015, 14/2015, pp. 94 - 105


Vadym Abyzov
Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5494-8230 Orcid
All publications →
Andrii Markovskyi
All publications →


Features of architecture of ukraine in 1920030's on examples of Kyiv and Kharkiv


Basic features and tendencies, inherent to the transition from a Constructivism style to Stalin Neoclassicism style (to Empire style) in architecture of Ukraine on the example of her the two capitals – Kharkiv (1919–1934) and Kyiv (since 1934) outlined in the article. It is reviewed originality and exceptional nature of evolution of architecture and spatial composition of prominent urban objects of these places in the World and Soviet architectural and artistic context of the Interwar Years.
Particular attention paid to the competitive projects on development of governmental capital areas of Kharkiv and Kyiv.


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[2] Ryabushin Alexander. Soviet architecture. Moscow, 1984. 217 p. 

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[4] Abyzov Vadym, Andrushchenko Nikolai. Report on research work «Development of previous proposals for nomination Derzhprom in Kharkiv for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List». Kyiv, 2004. 

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[6] Alyoshin Vadim. Competition on the facade of the building of Railway Station in Kiev // http://alyoshin.ru/ 

[7] Molokin Alexander. Planning of the Governmental Center of the Ukrainian SSR in Kiev // Architecture of the USSR. 1935. No. 9. P. 11–28. 

[8] Projects of planning of the Governmental Center in Kyiv. Socialist Kyiv.  1934. 3–4. No. 1–4. 

[9] Erofalov-Pylypchak Boris. Architecture of the Soviet Kiev. Kyiv, 2010. 638 p. 

[10] Kilesso Sergei. Planning of the center of Kyiv during the prewar period./ Architecture of Kiev. Kyiv, 1982. P. 53–54.


Information: Housing Environment, 2015, 14/2015, pp. 94 - 105

Article type: Original article



Features of architecture of ukraine in 1920030's on examples of Kyiv and Kharkiv


Features of architecture of ukraine in 1920030's on examples of Kyiv and Kharkiv



Vadym Abyzov
Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5494-8230 Orcid
All publications →

Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

Published at: 09.05.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Vadym Abyzov (Author) - 50%
Andrii Markovskyi (Author) - 50%

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