Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 14/2015, 2015, pp. 88 - 93
Various factors and conditions that affect the organisation of architectural environment of entrance groups of public service establishments located on the ground floors of residential buildings are comprehensively reviewed in the article. Available design features and compositional and spatial solutions of various built-in public service establishments that contribute to the solution of problems of aesthetic expression of residential development.
Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 14/2015, 2015, pp. 94 - 105
Basic features and tendencies, inherent to the transition from a Constructivism style to Stalin Neoclassicism style (to Empire style) in architecture of Ukraine on the example of her the two capitals – Kharkiv (1919–1934) and Kyiv (since 1934) outlined in the article. It is reviewed originality and exceptional nature of evolution of architecture and spatial composition of prominent urban objects of these places in the World and Soviet architectural and artistic context of the Interwar Years.
Particular attention paid to the competitive projects on development of governmental capital areas of Kharkiv and Kyiv.
Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 26/2019, 2019, pp. 11 - 15
The generalization of the typological, functional, and architectural organization of entertaining establishments will contribute to the further improvement of their development in modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to identify the system-structural principles of the architectural environment typology of entertaining establishments and to consider the features of the architectural and spatial structure of leisure objects in accordance with the hierarchical levels of their environment’s formation and development.
The research was based on A systematic approach that allows us to consider the architectural environment of entertaining institutions as hierarchically subordinate to the integrity. Methods of historical, comparative and typological analysis were also used.
The article summarizes the features of the entertaining institutions’ typology. The specifics of their location in the architectural environment are considered. Features and examples of their functional and spatial solutions, including existing buildings and structures, are considered, taking into account the transformation and adaptation of them for entertaining establishments. The hierarchical levels of formation and development of the architectural environment of leisure objects are revealed.
Murals and their evolution and typology in the space of the urban environment on the example of Kyiv
Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 35/2021, 2021, pp. 57 - 65 the past few years, murals have actively and firmly entered into the fabric of the architectural environment as one of the most powerful artistic means of urban art. According to the latest statistics, Ukraine, and Kyiv in particular, tops the list of leaders of the countries with the largest number of murals. Based on the historical context, the murals performed a social and propaganda mission. Already in the XXI century, Ukraine has experienced two revolutions. And they became a powerful impetus for the active manifestation of „street art” on free surfaces. But in contrast to the monumental and decorative compositions of totalitarian art, which still adorn the cities of Ukraine, the artistic and graphic language has changed. Young designers in modern graphic trends, form an updated visual representation of established stylistic solutions. The purpose of the article is an attempt to determine the historical conditions of the murals’ development, the features and principles of their solutions in the city space, as well as modern and promising means of implementation. The article discusses the factors and conditions of the evolution of modern murals, their typology and thematic focus, techniques and means of spatial composition and artistic solutions.
Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 18/2017, 2017, pp. 161 - 166 the article perspective directions of development of furniture design are reviewed and revealed based on analysis of current conditions and trends of its evolution, including the following basics: providing consumers with a wide choice of different furniture considering the vital needs and incomes of different groups of the population; a further research of new ergonomic solutions in furniture design; development and implementation of new environmentally friendly and durable materials in furniture, that ensure the health of a person; search for new and improving modern structures and materials, the use of universal and transforming furniture; introduction of innovative methods, including information technology and software management of furniture; a comprehensive consideration of the different aestethic tastes of consumers taking into account the different socio-cultural traditions. This structuring of the prospects of the development of furniture opens up the possibility of a comprehensive approach for the predicted directions of creating high-quality furniture in the near future, and will contribute to the most reliable sources defining the requirements and conditions of their realization in modern architectural environment.
Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 22/2018, 2018, pp. 107 - 114ŚM.18.014.8524The article deals with the peculiarities of application, along with traditional, new building materials and products in the landscape design of the urban environment. The techniques and perspectives of their use in contemporary landscape design and compositions are highlighted and examples are given.
Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 16/2016, 2016, pp. 4 - 9
The article discusses the phenomenon of environment and methodological foundations of a typology of architectural and recreation environment with an analysis of its systemic-structural principles. In accordance with that is identified hierarchical levels of forming and development of recreation environment on examples of author’s designs.
Vadym Abyzov
Housing Environment, 30/2020, 2020, pp. 82 - 89’s approaches to the design of modern interiors have changed significantly. This is due to such reasons and conditions as: socio-economic terms of interiors’ use and service, rapid technical progress, the development of science and information technology, growing environmental requirements in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, the introduction of new building materials and technologies, accounting accessibility and national traditions, human-centered design, etc.
The purpose of the article is identification of conditions, features, principles and guidelines for the design of modern interiors. The study is based on a systematic approach that defines hierarchical levels of interior design. Methods of historical and comparative analysis were also used.
The article discusses the factors and conditions of modern interiors’ formation, features and principles of their functional and spatial solutions. The hierarchical levels and methodological provisions of the architectural environment design of modern interior spaces are revealed.