ORGANON, Volume 53, 2021, pp. 5 - 27, Volume 53, 2021, pp. 29 - 53, Volume 53, 2021, pp. 55 - 77, Volume 53, 2021, pp. 79 - 95, Volume 53, 2021, pp. 97 - 128, Volume 53, 2021, pp. 129 - 144łowa kluczowe: classic studies of the motor theory of thinking, internal speech, women in the history of psychology, Anna Wyczółkowska, John B. Watson, behaviourism., WW2, Montel, Sierpiński, Polish School of Mathematics, medieval English manuscripts, Latin, scribal techniques, pastoral care, Pater Noster, textual borrowing, medieval compilations, medieval universal chronicles, medieval manuscripts, Martinus Polonus (Oppaviensis) Königsberg World Chronicle, Jardin des Plantes, Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris, comparative anatomy, life casts, plaster, Ch. Laurillard, E. Rousseau, L.–P. Merlieux, J.–B. Stahl, A.–L. Barye, P. M. S. Hacker, Passions, Emotions, Human Nature