Signposts on the Page: Reading Devotional Texts Through Scribal Signs and Symbols

Publication date: 29.11.2021

ORGANON, 2021, Volume 53, pp. 55-77



Monika Opalińska
University of Warsaw, Poland
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Signposts on the Page: Reading Devotional Texts Through Scribal Signs and Symbols


Medieval authors used an elaborate system of tools and techniques to organize texts in a transparent and orderly way. Toward the beginning of the 13th century, scribes adopted some of the old tools and put them to use in new functions. These measures are discernible, inter alia, in pastoral works devised to aid the clergy to carry out their duties more effectively. The goal of this paper is to analyse how the techniques were used on a microscale – in short texts of doctrinal importance – to convey complex theological notions in a visually clear and practical way.


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Information: ORGANON, 2021, Volume 53, pp. 55-77

Article type: Original article



Signposts on the Page: Reading Devotional Texts Through Scribal Signs and Symbols


University of Warsaw, Poland

Published at: 29.11.2021

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Monika Opalińska (Author) - 100%

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