Issue 29 (1)/2023

2023 Next

Publication date: 06.2023

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler

Secretary Rafał Mroczkowski

Issue content

Ivana Pařízková

Financial Law Review, Issue 29 (1)/2023, 2023, pp. 1 - 7


Responsibility is a concept used in common communication but also as a technical term, especially in the legal sciences, but also in psychology, ethics and sociology, philosophy, and theology. In many languages, the etymology of the term is based on the Latin respondeo, which means answering someone, giving an account, or simply giving an answer to a question. In law, responsibility is understood as the necessity to bear the consequences foreseen by law for the actions of the responsible entity or for the result attributed to the responsible entity. And at the same time, we can also state that legal responsibility is a legal relationship in which a secondary obligation arises for the responsible subject by violating his primary obligation.

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Marek Bočánek

Financial Law Review, Issue 29 (1)/2023, 2023, pp. 8 - 20


This article consults new regulations in Estonia and Lithuania where significant amendments have been adopted for the establishment and approval of crypto exchange services' providers. While Estonia has adopted an important amendment to the regulation of providers of crypto exchange services and of crypto wallet services, Lithuania has adopted a completely new regulation that has never been part of its legal system in any aspect. Despite these amendments, it's expectable that these regulations will have only temporary effect by the adoption of Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA), now only at the stage of working paper.

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Klemens Katterbauer

Financial Law Review, Issue 29 (1)/2023, 2023, pp. 21 - 34


This contribution deals with fiscal sustainability understood as “avoiding an excessive increase in government liabilities – a burden on future generations – while ensuring that the government can deliver the necessary public services, including the necessary safety net in times of hardship, and to adjust policy in response to new challenges”. The article aims the analysis of the legal framework for fiscal rules at the level of the EU and the national level in France and Poland. The research problem is to answer the question of how and whether the French and Polish regulations meet the international regulations in the field of fiscal sustainability. According to the research hypothesis, both countries only partially meet the EU requirements. The article is based on the detailed desk research method requiring analysis of the literature, statistical data, and EU and national legal regulations. The general conclusion is that both countries do not fully comply with EU commitments regarding fiscal rules.

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Przemysław Panfil, Urszula Zawadzka-Pąk

Financial Law Review, Issue 29 (1)/2023, 2023, pp. 35 - 57


This contribution deals with fiscal sustainability understood as “avoiding an excessive increase in government liabilities – a burden on future generations – while ensuring that the government can deliver the necessary public services, including the necessary safety net in times of hardship, and to adjust policy in response to new challenges”. The article aims the analysis of the legal framework for fiscal rules at the level of the EU and the national level in France and Poland. The research problem is to answer the question of how and whether the French and Polish regulations meet the international regulations in the field of fiscal sustainability. According to the research hypothesis, both countries only partially meet the EU requirements. The article is based on the detailed desk research method requiring analysis of the literature, statistical data, and EU and national legal regulations. The general conclusion is that both countries do not fully comply with EU commitments regarding fiscal rules. 

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