Issue 22 (2)/ 2021

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Publication date: 30.06.2021

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Jolanta Gliniecka

Issue content

Bianca Lins, Sébastien Praicheux

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 1-17


The financial crisis of 2007/08 had shattered the global financial system and led – besides a flood of regulations – to a wide range of new concepts and business models. One of these new concepts was “Bitcoin”, a private digital monetary system, which is characterized by decentralization, transparency and immutability. To date the underlying Blockchain or Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has evolved and offers an extensive range of possibilities, particularly in the financial industry. So far, an EU-wide legal basis for Blockchain or DLT applications and services is missing. France and the Principality of Liechtenstein took a step forward and adopted national laws trying to offer legal certainty in this field. This article aims to provide a comparison of the two acts and underline the similarities and differences.

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Vladimír Balcar

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 18-36


This paper explores legal regulation and practical application of an institute of unreliable VAT payer in the Czech Republic. The paper presents the most important conclusions made by the author within his dissertation research. The first aim is to introduce the institute of unreliable VAT payer and a mechanism of its application to foreign readers in order to enable cross-border comparisons with similar tools used in other states. The second aim of the paper is to confirm or disprove a hypothesis that legal regulation of the institute of unreliable VAT payer does not suffer from any serious deficit which would make it impossible to use this tool properly. The author mainly applies analysis, synthesis and description method. The author came to a conclusion that unreliable VAT payer is a functional tool in practice, but it suffers from several fundamental constitutional deficits.

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Marek Bočánek

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 37-53


This article focuses on the very first working draft of new crypto-asset regulation within the European Union. The primary aim of this article is to evaluate the newly defined institutes in the draft and confirm or disprove the hypothesis that this new system of crypto-assets may be implemented to the actual regulation of capital markets as well as payment system, in effect within the European Union.
As mentioned above, hypothesis will count on an ideal adoption of the MiCA regulation into the existing legal framework of both, capital markets as well as payments regulation in the European Union, not interfering with existing laws or regulations.
Within the first part of this article, synthesis will be used as well as compilation for the description of crypto-asset categories and of the issuers of crypto-assets or crypto-asset service providers. Subsequently, analysis will be applied for the specification of missing elements for the purpose of finding the right connection and implementation into the existing regulation of capital markets and payments industry.

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Piotr Wiśniewski

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 54-77


The article relates to the dynamics of change of the grey market of gambling in Poland. The meaning of legal regulations concerning organisation of gambling and gaming tax within the mechanism to prevent shadow economy of gambling constitute the basic research issue. Its purpose is to identify legal solutions that effectively protect public finance. A broad definition of the phenomenon of the grey market of gambling comprising distortion of the market competitiveness mechanism for the business makes allowance for its consequence in the form of tax gap, which is a real loss for the public finance. Multidimensional, complex nature of gambling justifies diversification of test methodology and application of a dogmatic-legal method. The selected model of scientific cognition is based on an intuitive-synthetic assumption that the gambling matter is not completely recognisable due to the dynamics of the occurring processes. The available statistical works that give rise to the conclusions related to the effectives of the adopted legal solutions have empirical value. The efficiency of legal solutions enhancing the attractiveness of legal gambling activities, which guarantee cash flow transparency and ensure safety of gamers has been confirmed. Creating optimal conditions for conducting legal gambling activity is of basic importance when it comes to combating shadow economy of gambling. Decreasing tax rates along with tax bases has a stimulating impact on the increase of the number of entities operating in a legal manner on the gambling market. Prohibitive solutions related to determination of the access to legal gambling services inadequate in relation to the demand fail to comprise efficient counteraction measures for the grey market of gambling. The absence of unambiguous criteria for estimation of the size of the grey market of gambling limits the cognitive possibilities. The available data allow for an optimistic conclusion that the grey market of gambling in Poland is gradually decreased. However, the forecasts exclude the anticipated elimination of the entire phenomenon, making allowance for cross-border nature of games on the Internet, technological progress used by the unfair businesses and difficulties of legislative process in the scope of gambling. The author of the paper hopes that the presented considerations may comprise material helpful in the course of further scientific research.

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Patrycja Burandt

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 78-93


The present study is concerned with chosen methods employed in a legal and illegal way by the taxpayers in order to reduce their tax burdens by the use of tax havens. The aim of this article is to elaborate on the phenomenon of tax competition, in particular, ways of using it for the purpose of tax optimisation. The essence of a tax haven introduced at the beginning serves as an introduction to the remaining content and lets one understand the outline of the discussed phenomenon. The presented methods cannot be considered a legal advice, but only an objective characteristic.

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Łukasz Kielin

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 94-112


The global financial crisis of 2008 undoubtedly had a significant impact on the constitutional regulation of economic and financial matters. As a consequence of economic downturn six EU Member States (Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy and Hungary) have amended their constitutions. With economic crisis caused by global pandemic of, the new discussion about constitutional fiscal policy rules is expected. New economic downturn is one of the most important challenges for the constitutional fiscal rules, which undoubtedly will verify their functioning and effectiveness.
The main purpose of this paper is to find out if constitutional fiscal policy rules is a cure or trap in times of financial crisis. According to the hypothesis adopted, constitutional fiscal rules can be an effective tool. The article has the following structure. In the first and second part I describe constitutional fiscal rules. The third part concerns the method of constitutionalisation. Subsequently, I am focus on effectiveness of constitutional fiscal policy rules. The last part of the article contains conclusions.

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Olga Lyutova

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 113-128


The article concerns the patterns of development of the tax legislation of the Russian Federation and other countries related to the taxation of companies providing digital services. Some scientific and practical issues affecting the problems of tax incentives for entrepreneurship in digital companies are analyzed. The article covers the issues of the staged transformation of Russian tax law, which occurred as a result of the so-called "tax maneuver" of the rules for taxation of IT companies, associated with the need to stimulate the production of national software. The main idea of the research is - the concept of legal regulation of taxation of digital companies should be based on the supranational agreements reached by states, in accordance with which the digital transformation of tax legislation of individual countries will be carried out. The prospects for the introduction of digital taxes in Russia were also estimated, taking into account the experience of other countries as a unilateral response actions to the failure to reach an international consensus on taxation of the digital economy. At the same time, both the possible risks and the positive aspects of establishing a digital tax, which have a beneficial impact on the Russian tax climate, are indicated.
The author uses the historical and comparative legal methods of science, as well as the method of systems analysis.

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Murat Adam

Financial Law Review, Issue 22 (2)/ 2021, 2021, pp. 129-147


Probably, as in any state, in the sphere of legal regulation of relations between business and the state, the public interests of the state are always above the private interests of business. Any democratic and legal state, including Kazakhstan, is based on the principles of equality of all before the law and the court, as well as the rule of law. The tax legislation of Kazakhstan does not provide for a legal mechanism for the consideration of tax disputes arising between a taxpayer and an authorized state body by any non-judicial organizations. All tax disputes are subject to consideration on complaints of the taxpayer to the higher authorized tax authority and only after receiving the decision of the higher state body, this dispute can be referred to the court. This paper deals with problematic issues of tax law related to the attribution of all tax disputes to consideration exclusively by the higher authorized tax authority and later by the court, which always guard the interests of the state, which in practice causes distrust of businessmen and investors to the state. In this regard, this paper examines out-of-court methods of resolving tax disputes, international experience in resolving tax disputes by out-of-court organizations.

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