2021 Następne

Data publikacji: 12.2021

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Gellért Ernő Marton

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 3-28


The goal of this paper is to summarise the diplomatic and political role of poet and intellectual, János Rimay of Alsósztregova and Rima. Rimay is well-known as the pupil and friend of the great Hungarian poet, Bálint Balassi, and also as a great poet and a representative of stoicism, as well as as a diplomat and statesman who became important in the regional diplomacy in the last decades of the 16th century and the first decades of the 17th century.

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Jakub Bodaszewski

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 29-64


The village of Chlebna near Jedlicz between 1772 and 1791. A contribution to the history of the place

The village of Chlebna is a very interesting example of lack of any changes whatsoever in the social and economic system in Galicia, the region which at the end of the 18th century remained under Austrian rule. Thanks to a multitude of preserved archive materials, it has been possible to reconstruct both the sequence of owners of the village in the mentioned period, economic issues and the situation of the residents in the system of private serfdom villages. The paper presents the occupational structure and spatial arrangement of the place. It also discusses the influence of the area and the water network on the economy of Chlebna. The comparison of the condition in 1773 and in 1785–1789 does not show any signs of improvement in the economic situation. The article is also interesting for genealogists. It is, however, but a small fragment of the history of a small Galician village.

Keywords: Chlebna, dominion Tarnowiec, Ewaryst Andrzej Kuropatnicki, Szymon Charewicz, Josephine cadaster survey

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Adrian Cieślik

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 65-84


The functioning of the Dominican farm in Uzin near Yezupil at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the light of preserved documents from the Archives of the Polish Dominican Province

One of the conditions for the maintenance of monasteries in the past centuries, especially on the eastern borders of the Republic of Poland, was the possession of land and a well-functioning farm. The income from the farm was used by the monks to maintain the monastery buildings. That was the case of Yezupil (Jezupol), now in Ukraine, where not only the Dominican convent was located but a local farm as well. It was situated a few kilometers from the monastery – in the village of Uzin. This article describes its history and functioning at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Information on the farm in Uzin was compiled on the basis of documents preserved in the Archives of the Polish Dominican Province in Kraków.

Keywords: Dominicans, farm, Uzin, Yezupil (Jezupol), Dominican monastery

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Maria Stinia

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 85-94


A school on the outskirts of Galicia. The private gimnazjum in Borshchiv 1909–1914

The secondary school (gimnazjum) in the town of Borshchiv (Borszczów) was established in 1909. An important figure who took part in its creation was Count Tadeusz Czarkowski-Golejewski. Though the school had existed for a short period before the First World War, it utilized interesting educational solutions based on student autonomy, relationship with the parents and combining intellectual and physical effort. In the local community the school gave the incentive to develop regionalism. Due to a large number of auditors taking part in the lessons, and evening courses for girls, elements of co-education were introduced in the provinces. Co-operation with branches of the “Falcon” Polish Gymnastic Society as well as involvement of local medical community made it possible to popularize physical education and provide medical and hygienic supervision to a large group of young people. The pedagogical offer of the school was above all directed to Polish people from the town and its vicinity, which was evident in the changing ethnic and religious structures.

Keywords: Borshchiv (Borszczów), education, Galicia, secondary school (gimnazjum)

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Tomasz Pomykacz

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 95-146


The ethnic structure of the garrison of the Przemyśl Fortress between September 1914 and March 1915 – an attempt at reconstruction

In this paper the author attempts to present the ethnic composition of the garrison of the Przemyśl Fortress between September 1914 and March 1915, among others based on statistical data of the whole monarchy and the ethnic makeup in the areas where military units fighting in Przemyśl were mobilized. The statistics have been supplemented with information from Austrian and Hungarian press (mainly from 1914–1915), diaries and memoirs as well as relevant literature.

Keywords: Przemyśl Fortress, ethnic structure, Austro-Hungarian Army, Austria-Hungary

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Bartosz Podubny

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 147-178


Stanisław Majerski and his contribution to removing First World War destruction in Galicia

The author presents the so far unexplored scope of work of the architect from Przemyśl, Stanisław Majerski (1872–1926) regarding his employment at the National Headquarters for Economic Reconstruction of Galicia, branch in Przemyśl, during the First World War. The 1914–1915 warfare caused enormous destruction in Galicia, particularly in the Przemyśl region; after the hostilities had ceased, estimation of the losses and reconstruction began. Based on the materials from the National Archive in Kraków the article outlines Majerski’s work at the construction branch in Przemyśl. Majerski’s work on the reconstruction of destroyed churches in Gorlice, Nisko, Stara Sól, Tamanowice and Żurawica is discussed as well.

Keywords: Stanisław Majerski, Stanisław Pollak, First World War, reconstruction, Gorlice, Nisko, Stara Sól, Tamanowice, Żurawica

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Marcin Kapłon

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 179-212


Reverend Doctor Jan Kwolek and his services to church archival studies

The paper shows the life of Rev. Jan Kwolek, an outstanding priest from the Przemyśl Diocese and a man of broad intellectual horizons, with regard to his work at the Archdiocesan Archive in Przemyśl. The article consists of three parts showing Reverend Kwolek’s life, an outline of the history of Polish archive resources, finally – the enormous effort the priest had put into proper organizing and functioning of this institution.

Keywords: Rev. Jan Kwolek, Archdiocesan Archive in Przemyśl, archival studies, Przemyśl Diocese

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Bartosz Jakubowski

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 213-234


The Pawlikowski family’s businesses in Starzawa in the 1920s and 1930s. The Nowostawy estate

This paper shows the circumstances of the Rozwadowski family’s arrival in the Przemyśl Region and establishing the famous fish farm in Starzawa. The article also contributes to the history of the Pawlikowskis from Medyka. In the late 1920s Michał Pawlikowski got Wincenty Rozwadowski (owner of Babin near Kalush /Kałusz/) interested in setting up fish ponds in Starzawa near Mostyska (Mościska), property of his father Jan Gwalbert Pawlikowski, of which he was administrator. Following long negotiations, in 1931 J.G. Pawlikowski sold to Wincenty Rozwadowski and his children 414 hectares of land in Starzawa, including marshy meadowland and wasteland. The Rozwadowskis established there a new structure called Starzawa Stawy (Starzawa Ponds), soon renamed Nowostawy, and W. Rozwadowski established a large fish farm there. In the 1930s the estate was administered by Wincenty’s son, Bartłomiej Rozwadowski, who got arrested by NKVD in October 1939 and all trace of him was lost. After the war the ponds were nationalized and the former owners were hardly ever mentioned again.

Keywords: Michal Pawlikowski, Jan Gwalbert Pawlikowski, Wincenty Rozwadowski, Bartłomiej Rozwadowski, the Pawlikowski family, the Rozwadowski family, Medyka, Starzawa, Nowostawy, fish ponds

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Karol Sanojca

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 235-244


Difficult beginnings of secondary education „on high mountain pastures”. The Private Mixed Gimnazjum of the Polish People’s School Association in Hutsul Kosiv (1937–1939)

In the south-eastern outskirts of Poland between the wars, the school network was not developed enough to satisfy local community. That is why in Hutsul Kosiv (Kosów Huculski) in 1937, measures were taken to make it possible for schoolchildren to obtain secondary school education. The institution which was established was a private mixed secondary school (gimnazjum). The licensee was the local People’s School Association. Though the school functioned only three years, it had managed to become firmly established. The teaching staff had all the required qualifications. The number of students grew fast. The necessary facilities (the building, the library and teaching aids) were improving. Parents and caregivers showed considerable involvement in the school life. The school’s achievements were recognized when by the decision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education of May 1939 the school was granted the rights of a state comprehensive secondary school as of the school year 1939/1940. Unfortunately, the decision could not take force.

Keywords: Hutsul Kosiv (Kosów Huculski), history of education, secondary school (gimnazjum), People’s School Association

Czytaj więcej Następne

Michał Ceglarek

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 245-272


“From Puzzles to Portraits”. The Life and Activity of Krystyna Maria Kobylańska (6 VIII 1922 – 30 I 2009)

The article presents Krystyna Maria Kobylańska (1922–2009) and her professional activity as musicologist, Chopin-scholar and Museum Curator. Kobylańska is also the author of many significant publications on the life and work of Frédéric Chopin. She devoted her entire life to the work of the Polish composer.

Keywords: Krystyna Maria Kobylańska, Frédéric (Fryderyk) Chopin, Chopin’s work, musicology, Fryderyk Chopin Museum in Warsaw, Polish music historiography

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Andrew Kier Wise

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 273-288


 This article deals with 21st-century American perceptions of the multicultural history of Galicia, especially during the interwar period, World War II and the Holocaust. The author primarily examines select books, articles and films that target a broad American audience. In particular, the film Three Stories of Galicia (2010) is analyzed, with a focus on the ways in which American audiences helped shape the directors’ creative process. The Galician stories in the film thus became “Americanized” and “universalized” models for efforts at reconciliation in other troubled multicultural societies. The author also concludes that the “myth of Galicia” featuring the peaceful coexistence of peoples resonates especially with readers and viewers who envision a “post-racial America.”

Keywords: Multiculturalism, “myth of Galicia,” Three Stories of Galicia, “post-racial” America.

Wielokulturowa Galicja w amerykańskiej pamięci popularnej: Refleksje nad filmem „Trzy historie Galicji”

Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy amerykańskiego postrzegania wielokulturowej historii Galicji w XXI wieku, zwłaszcza okresu międzywojennego, czasu II wojny światowej i Holokaustu. Autor analizuje przede wszystkim wybrane książki, artykuły i filmy skierowane do szerokiego amerykańskiego odbiorcy. W sposób szczególny analizie został poddany film Trzy historie Galicji (2010), z naciskiem na sposób, w jaki amerykańska publiczność pomogła ukształtować proces twórczy reżyserów. Historie galicyjskie w filmie stały się w ten sposób „zamerykanizowanymi” i „uniwersalizowanymi” modelami wysiłków na rzecz pojednania w innych nękanych konfliktami społeczeństwach wielokulturowych. Autor konkluduje również, że „mit Galicji” o pokojowym współistnieniu narodów trafia zwłaszcza do czytelników i widzów, którzy pragnęliby Ameryki „postrasowej”.

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Józef Wołczański

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 289-420


The correspondence between Rev. Prof. Jan Fijałek and Rev. Dr Jan Kwolek in the years 1919–1936

This paper presents a collection of a few dozen letters written between 1919 and 1938. Their authors were two eminent representatives of the humanities and of the Polish Catholic Church at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. One of them, Reverend Professor Jan Nepomucen Fijałek, represented the Kraków Archdiocese, though professionally he was associated with the University of Lviv and the Jagiellonian University. As an outstanding scholar and expert on sources to the history of medieval Church and spiritual culture of Poland, as well as a distinguished pedagogue, he enjoyed great renown in the world of science. The other correspondent, Reverend Doctor Jan Kwolek, a lawyer, lecturer at the Theological Institute of the Latin rite in Przemyśl, chancellor of the Episcopal Curia, organizer and director of a Diocesan Archive, a model for the whole country, unceasingly developed his interests in canon studies, history of the Church, and showed great concern for preserving the archive heritage of the Przemyśl Diocese. The majority of the letters were written by Rev. Kwolek, though they are not complete; the addressee had collected them meticulously, sometimes adding brief commentaries. The Przemyśl priest must not have attached a lot of weight to collecting the letters of the Kraków mentor, as only over a dozen of them have been preserved. The sources present very interesting material. The “supplicant” here is definitely Rev. Kwolek, seeking in the unquestionable scientific authority of Rev. Fijałek advice on organizing the Przemyśl archive but also methodological and factual guidelines for archive research and publications. In the course of time the distance between the two scholars was gradually decreasing, though it never crossed accepted social boundaries. What confirms that is the elaborate titles both correspondents addressed each other with. The subject matter of the letters is rather diverse and includes several themes. The dominant one is Rev. Kwolek’s requests to be recommended relevant literature necessary to complete a reference library needed in research and scholarly work. Quite a lot of space is also devoted to the Przemyśl priest’s reports on the progressing work on completing and organizing the archive of the Episcopal Curia in Przemyśl. Rev. Prof. Fijałek, apparently did not hide his sincere appreciation of the activity of the junior priest, indefatigable archive fanatic, encouraging him, providing him with expert instruction and warning him against naïve faith in the patronage of successive bishops. Another extensive motif is common and readily produced by church circles gossip on different Church dignitaries in Kraków and Przemyśl, as well as expectations of personal reshuffles and new careers with the start of every new pontificate. Without a doubt, the presented material deserves publication, as it shows the effort of creating and then preserving pioneer initiatives on scholarly and religious ground, particularly in Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century.

Keywords: Rev. Prof. Jan Nepomucen Fijałek, Rev. Dr Jan Kwolek, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Diocesan Archive in Przemyśl, Theological Institute in Przemyśl, Archbishop Adam Stefan Sapieha, Bishop Józef Sebastian Pelczar, Bishop Anatol Nowak, Bishop Franciszek Barda

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Małgorzata Skotnicka-Palka

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 421-428


The problems of extracurricular education in the 2nd half of the 1930s in view of the source materials of the municipal school inspector in Lviv

The source materials by Jan Hipolit Majewski, the Municipal School Inspector in Lviv, present the plan of extracurricular work for 1936/1937, and also contain a report on the organization of the Folk High School in Lviv. They show the problems of adult education in the late twenties of the interwar period.

Key words: Jan Hipolit Majewski, adult education, extracurricular education.

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Katarzyna Matyja

Rocznik Przemyski. Historia, 1 (26) 2021, 2021, s. 429-457


The Dominicans in Tarnobrzeg during the Second World War in the light of a monastic chronicle. A critical edition

The aim of the article is to edit an unknown and unused source, i.e. the chronicle of the Tarnobrzeg monastery from 1939–1945. The edition was preceded by a short introduction to the history of the Dominican community in Tarnobrzeg. For the almost entire period of the occupation, Father Fabian Madura was the prior of the monastery in Tarnobrzeg, and in his activities – also for the benefit of the needy – he was characterized by great courage. He acted on many levels: among others he organized aid for the displaced persons from Wielkopolska, or a kitchen for the poorest. He was active in ministry: he founded a choir which performed numerous charity concerts. Other fathers and brothers who lived in the monastery helped him in all the activities. The source delivers a lot of information about the life of monks in Tarnobrzeg and the history of the city in the war period. The entries from September 1939, when the Nazis invaded the city, are particularly interesting, as well as from the turn of July and August 1944 – at that time Tarnobrzeg was „liberated” by the Soviet army. As a result of these activities, many buildings – including those belonging to the Dominicans – were seriously damaged, which is also mentioned in the presented source.

Keywords: Dominicans, Tarnobrzeg, monastery, chronicle, World War II, Fabian Madura, Reginald Jadownicki

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Słowa kluczowe: János Rimay, Habsburg–Ottoman diplomatic relations, István Bocskai, Gábor Bethlen, Peace Treaties of Vienna (1606), Zsitvatorok (1606), and Szőny (1627), Chlebna, dominium Tarnowiec, Ewaryst Andrzej Kuropatnicki, Szymon Charewicz, Borek, Metryka Józefińska, dominikanie, folwark, Uzin, Jezupol, gospodarstwo, Borszczów, oświata, Galicja, gimnazjum, Przemyśl, struktura narodowościowa, armia austro-węgierska, Austro-Węgry, I wojna światowa, odbudowa, Gorlice, Nisko, Stara Sól, Tamanowice, Żurawica, Stanisław Majerski, Stanisław Pollak, ks. Jan Kwolek, Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Przemyślu, archiwistyka, diecezja przemyska, Michał Pawlikowski, Jan Gwalbert Pawlikowski, Wincenty Rozwadowski, Bartłomiej Rozwadowski, Pawlikowscy, Rozwadowscy, Medyka, Starzawa, Nowostawy, stawy rybne, Kosów Huculski, historia oświaty, gimnazjum, Towarzystwo Szkoły Ludowej, Krystyna Maria Kobylańska, Fryderyk Chopin, twórczość Chopina, muzykologia, Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie, polska historiografia muzyczna, wielokulturowość, „mit Galicji”, Trzy historie Galicji, „postrasowa” Ameryka, ks. prof. Jan Nepomucen Fijałek, ks. dr Jan Kwolek, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Przemyślu, Instytut Teologiczny w Przemyślu, Arcybiskup Adam Stefan Sapieha, Biskup Józef Sebastian Pelczar, Biskup Anatol Nowak, Biskup Franciszek Barda, Jan Hipolit Majewski, oświata dorosłych, edukacja pozaszkolna, kronika, II wojna światowa, Fabian Madura, Reginald Jadownicki, dominikanie, Tarnobrzeg, klasztor