Historyczne pojęcie filozofii edukacji
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEHistorical Concept of Philosophy of Education
Data publikacji: 20.06.2019
Filozoficzne Problemy Edukacji, 2019, Volume 2 (2019), s. 93 - 109
Historical Concept of Philosophy of Education
The article attempts to determine the historical concept of philosophy of education on the basis of common features analysis along with identification the historical continuity in the prominent philosophers’ views on education. The analysis of the contexts in which the philosophy of education has functioned in the history of philosophy leads to negative results in the first approximation, since in each of them only a certain point of philosophy of education concept is noticeable. So, for example, some thinkers defined the value in human life as ethical education, others – gave preference to logical knowledge; some philosophers emphasized the necessity of self-cognition, others – insisted on the importance of the world cognition. Because of this, from the historical perspective, philosophy of education should be equated with all the diversity of its representations, because each of them, although isn’t sufficient, but is important for definition. That is, all the philosophical thinking expressions, based near the concept “education”, are philosophy of education subject. However, if we talk in depth, the same tendency is appearing in the historical context of philosophy: the understanding of education as assistance to a person in self-realization. In the history of philosophy, there is no noticeable restriction of education by any framework or norms. There is only emphasizing the needs to create opportunities for the practice of freedom to act, because a person needs to create his or her whole life in order to form own world view and outline own moral ideal. That demands from a person a constant attention to his or her own personality and the perfect ability to think critically. Philosophers are united by the idea that education is a human existence indispensable foundation. That is why in different historical circumstances they did not deny the values of individual sciences in human life, but insisted on the importance that it has for science that can form its personality.So, the philosophical content of education is the approach of a person to spiritualperfection.
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Informacje: Filozoficzne Problemy Edukacji, 2019, Volume 2 (2019), s. 93 - 109
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Historical Concept of Philosophy of Education
National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine
Publikacja: 20.06.2019
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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