Senatulus sive Gynajkosynedrionutopia, inversus mundi, or utopian satire? Erasmus of Rotterdam on the council of women

Data publikacji: 18.03.2015

Wielogłos, 2014, Numer 3 (21) 2014: Nowe (i stare) światy. Utopie i dystopie w filozofii i literaturze, s. 51-59



Justyna A. Kowalik
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
, Polska
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Senatulus sive Gynajkosynedrion – utopia, inversus mundi, satyra na współczesność? Poglądy Erazma z Rotterdamu na rządy kobiet


Senatulus sive Gynajkosynedrion – utopia, inversus mundi, or utopian satire? Erasmus of Rotterdam on the council of women

In 1528 Erasmus of Rotterdam had published dialogue Senatulus sive Gynajkosynedrion, which is part of the popular collection Colloquia familiaria. In this text, there are women, who deliberate about organisation of future council of women. The idea of legislative women, challenging traditional social order („the world upside down”) was used by the author to indicate certain matters, relating to the social status or privilege of women. The question, which is included in the title of the article, is a result of the ambivalence of the text, because Senatulus can be readed not only as a joke of great humanist, but also as a satire on Erasmus’s contemporary political and social life.



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Informacje: Wielogłos, 2014, Numer 3 (21) 2014: Nowe (i stare) światy. Utopie i dystopie w filozofii i literaturze, s. 51-59

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Senatulus sive Gynajkosynedrion – utopia, inversus mundi, satyra na współczesność? Poglądy Erazma z Rotterdamu na rządy kobiet


Senatulus sive Gynajkosynedrionutopia, inversus mundi, or utopian satire? Erasmus of Rotterdam on the council of women


Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Publikacja: 18.03.2015

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: Żadna

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