Nowoczesne fontanny w miejskiej przestrzeni publicznej

Publication date: 01.12.2017

Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 112 - 120



Elżbieta Kusińska
Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
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Modern fountains in an urban public space


Various diverse artificial water bodies in the form of fountains, cascades, ponds, etc. are a common element within the public spaces of cities. Such water-based elements have been placed in urban spaces since ancient times - they served utilitarian needs and beautified urban or garden spaces. Currently, in the process of the shaping of city spaces, fountains and various types of small water bodies also make an appearance. Today, they utilise technological solutions that make it possible to control water streams and create diverse lighting effects. Urban fountains and cascades are also being designed while taking into account principles of sustainable design - they use rainwater and their placement in public spaces positively affects the urban microclimate. Such a holistic approach to the design of urban fountains leads to the fact that we see them more often and we are more welcoming of them in our immediate surroundings - and they very often become the hallmarks and tourist attractions of cities.


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Information: Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 112 - 120

Article type: Original article



Modern fountains in an urban public space


Nowoczesne fontanny w miejskiej przestrzeni publicznej


Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology

Published at: 01.12.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Elżbieta Kusińska (Author) - 100%

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Publication languages:

Polish, English

View count: 1524

Number of downloads: 1483

<p> Modern fountains in an urban public space</p>