Elżbieta Kusińska
Housing Environment, 24/2018, 2018, pp. 179-185
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.18.070.9660The Ruhr was one of the most polluted areas in all of Germany for decades. Towards the end of the 1980’s, when production ceased in industrial plants and mines were being closed down, a process of revitalisation began as a part of the IBA Emscher Park project, which lasted until 1999. At present, almost 20 years after the completion of the IBA, we can observe the long-term effects of the entire transformation process. The combination of the former industrial areas’ cultural heritage with the natural landscape and assigning completely new functions to them has led to a situation in which we can visit complexes of outstanding character and that constitute the man tourist attractions of the entire region.
Elżbieta Kusińska
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 85-94
https://doi.org/10.4467/00000000PUA.17.028.7209The article shows problems of modern cities, which are connected with urbanisation and increasing car traffic. New urban public spaces emerges often with coordination or with pressure from local community. New implementations are often recreational green areas – this is the basin need of citizens. Investing in green, in large or small scale, is profitable business for government and investors – it rises quality of human urban life as well as real property value and business development.
Elżbieta Kusińska
Technical Transactions, Architecture Zeszyt 1-A (3) 2013 , 2013, pp. 37-53
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.003.1981This paper presents several examples of new residential buildings and complexes implemented in London. The character of these investments is adjusted to the general state policy of sustainable development promoted by the British government. Among other issues, it includes the revitalization of postindustrial grounds, the limitation of the uncontrolled territorial growth of cities, the development of green areas and the promotion of public transport.
Elżbieta Kusińska
Housing Environment, 20/2017, 2017, pp. 112-120
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.17.054.7675Various diverse artificial water bodies in the form of fountains, cascades, ponds, etc. are a common element within the public spaces of cities. Such water-based elements have been placed in urban spaces since ancient times - they served utilitarian needs and beautified urban or garden spaces. Currently, in the process of the shaping of city spaces, fountains and various types of small water bodies also make an appearance. Today, they utilise technological solutions that make it possible to control water streams and create diverse lighting effects. Urban fountains and cascades are also being designed while taking into account principles of sustainable design - they use rainwater and their placement in public spaces positively affects the urban microclimate. Such a holistic approach to the design of urban fountains leads to the fact that we see them more often and we are more welcoming of them in our immediate surroundings - and they very often become the hallmarks and tourist attractions of cities.
Elżbieta Kusińska
Housing Environment, 28/2019, 2019, pp. 71-81
https://doi.org/10.4467/25438700SM.19.032.11369This article focuses on the challenges associated with the dynamic development of the district of Ruczaj as a housing neighbourhood of Krakow during the turn of the twenty-first century. These challenges are associated with the insufficient amount of recreational areas that can be used by residents. An analysis of the spatial development potential of green and recreational areas, seen as necessary elements of a sustainable housing environment, has been presented in the article.
Elżbieta Kusińska
Housing Environment, 16/2016, 2016, pp. 16-22
In accordance with the principles of sustainable design, the public spaces of modern cities are shaped first and foremost with the needs of their users in mind. Apart from factors related to aesthetics, a broad functional programme of public spaces makes it possible for them to become attractive points on a city’s map – the favourite meeting places of its residents, spaces for cultural and social events, as well as places of recreation for various age and social groups. The paper points the attention of the reader to the form of water bodies within the space of cities, which can enrich the recreational programme of public spaces. The diversity of the forms of water bodies, as well as the use of the physical and aesthetic properties of water makes it possible to create a recreational programme tailored to various groups of users, ranging from active recreation to spaces meant for rest and relaxation.