Contemporary Cities of the Ruhr– Green Post-industrial Agglomerations
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWspółczesne miasta Zagłębia Ruhry – zielone poprzemysłowe aglomeracje
Publication date: 08.01.2019
Housing Environment, 2018, 24/2018, pp. 179 - 185
Contemporary Cities of the Ruhr– Green Post-industrial Agglomerations
The Ruhr was one of the most polluted areas in all of Germany for decades. Towards the end of the 1980’s, when production ceased in industrial plants and mines were being closed down, a process of revitalisation began as a part of the IBA Emscher Park project, which lasted until 1999. At present, almost 20 years after the completion of the IBA, we can observe the long-term effects of the entire transformation process. The combination of the former industrial areas’ cultural heritage with the natural landscape and assigning completely new functions to them has led to a situation in which we can visit complexes of outstanding character and that constitute the man tourist attractions of the entire region.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 24/2018, pp. 179 - 185
Article type: Original article
Contemporary Cities of the Ruhr– Green Post-industrial Agglomerations
Współczesne miasta Zagłębia Ruhry – zielone poprzemysłowe aglomeracje
Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 08.01.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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