Experiments with Daylight. Lighting Effects in Architectural Composition
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Eksperymenty ze światłem dziennym. Efekty świetlne w kompozycji architektonicznej
Publication date: 01.12.2017
Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 95 - 104
Experiments with Daylight. Lighting Effects in Architectural Composition
The definition of architecture often repeated after Le Corbusier states that “Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in light”. To fully understand it we should quote his other statement: “Light creates ambience and feel of a place, as well as the expression of a structure”. Juhani Palasmaa, who points our attention to the multisensory reception of architecture, presents the nature of the idea of light in a similar manner. Peter Zumthor, on the other hand, continuing the idea of synaesthesia in the perception of works of architecture - the light, the changes of its intensity and colour - regards it as an element of recording an architectural form in the memory of the viewer. Tadao Ando wrote that such elements like light or wind make sense only when we set them apart from the external world using architecture. Based on these views and the observation of the anthropogenic space, we can acknowledge the compositional role of light as equally fundamental as its functional one, underlined, among others, by the founders of the Bauhaus school, who strived to obtain an effect of rich, natural light within a room. Santiago Calatrava, when asked about its role, answered “Light. I make it in my buildings for comfort”. However, when observing the effects of light and shadow produced by the openwork vaults of the complex in Valencia or the Oriente station in Lisbon, one would be hard pressed not to notice a fundamental compositional intent within them.
The paper will present modern built projects whose main compositional motifs revolve around effects that utilise daylight – translucence, diffusion, reflection, as well as light and shadow effects - in order to establish an extraordinary mood of a form and its interior, against a backdrop of the theoretical thoughts of the practitioners of architecture of the current and past century.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 95 - 104
Article type: Original article
Experiments with Daylight. Lighting Effects in Architectural Composition
Eksperymenty ze światłem dziennym. Efekty świetlne w kompozycji architektonicznej
Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 01.12.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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Polish, EnglishView count: 1369
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