Michał Pałasz – dr, adiunkt w Katedrze Kultury Współczesnej Instytutu Kultury Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Bada zarządzanie w antropocenie, które rozumie jako sposoby organizowania wystarczająco dobrego wspólnego świata w dobie katastrofy klimatyczno- -ekologicznej. Interesują go dewzrost, posthumanizm, teoria aktora-sieci, humanistyka ekologiczna, edukacja klimatyczna i ich relacje z zarządzaniem, zwłaszcza zarządzaniem humanistycznym i nurtem krytycznym w zarządzaniu. Redaktor naukowy książek Za pięć dwunasta koniec świata. Kryzys klimatyczno-ekologiczny głosem wielu nauk (z Kasią Jasikowską, 2022) oraz Do serca. Zarządzanie zaangażowaniem społecznym przez media, muzykę i marketing (2023). Członek Rady Klimatycznej UJ, Komisji Zarządzania Kulturą i Mediami Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, Humanistic Management Network i International Degrowth Network.
Michał Pałasz
Culture Management, Volume 24, Issue 4, 2023, pp. 317 - 350 paper addresses the issue of the potential impact of a university’s presence in the rankings of climate friendly HEIs on its brand and activities, filling a research gap in this area. It starts with a discussion of the concepts of a brand, its personality and strength, presenting selected brand rankings as well as criteria for rankings of climate friendly universities, having outlined the specificity of a climate responsible HEI brand. Afterwards it presents answers to the research questions which were obtained using the desk research method obtained using the desk research method: how the Jagiellonian University is currently performing in the rankings of climate friendly universities and what aspirational reference points can be identified for it. The subjects of the study were three leading rankings published in 2023, which assessed HEIs in terms of their climate actions and the position of the Jagiellonian University in them – both globally and in relation to groups of universities from Poland, Central Europe, European Union and the UNA Europa network. As a result of benchmarking, groups of HEIs brands were mapped as they could constitute reference points for the activities of the Jagiellonian University and other Polish universities. The impact of climate friendly HEIs rankings on the brand and activities of a university is based not only on the need to meet participation criteria, but also on creating social pressure related to comparing brands, and on the need to ensure the coherence of the brand of a climate friendly university on the principle of positive feedback loop.
Michał Pałasz
Culture Management, Volume 25, Issue 1–2, 2024, pp. 323 - 339ł Pałasz
Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2022, pp. 381 - 397 aim of the paper is to show that management and marketing, in terms of their interpretations dominating in the Polish higher education, are structurally unsustainable in a world that attempts to respond to the climatic and ecological challenges. The subject and starting point of the article is the critique of two popular definitions of management and marketing. The research problem relates to the incompatibility of social practices, such as contemporary management and marketing, with the scale of the challenges of the Anthropocene and the need to search for new, even utopian, ways of organizing reality. The main research questions are: are management and marketing practices in their current shape sustainable in a world that has decided to face the climatic and ecological challenges, and why is so.
Michał Pałasz
Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 1, 2022, pp. 75 - 95 article in the form of organizational ethnography explores managing feline-human team, and this way becomes part of animal turn in social sciences, especially management. Research problem is managing the team built with various actors, in management studies known as resources, which is placed in the space of Cat Cafe „Kociarnia”. Objects of research are the employees of the cafe, and purpose is exploring the principles of animal participation in the team under the hypothesis that animals are workers of the cafe. The research checks in which way and to what extent are animals part of the team, what roles are they performing, what relationship is occurring between them and other teams members – both human and non-human (for example cats but also the place) – and how their membership is perceived by human coworkers. Getting to know cats as the group of workers is only possible by looking at them (with interviews) through the eyes of their human coworkers. The research discovers ways of cats participation in the work team and demonstrates the importance of creating the team along the (non-essentialistically understood) cats nature. There seem to be just one main rule of cats participation in the researched team: to be a cat and to feel good in cat cafe.
Michał Pałasz
Culture Management, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 139 - 155
The first museum similar to those we know today, was founded in the late seventeenth century. Half a century later archeologists discovered collections of erotic art in Pompeii and Herculaneum, lying for centuries under the ashes of Vesuvius, which surprised the scientific Enlightenment enthusiasts with its sensuality. There was a problem, what to do in a museum with exhibits, of undoubted historical value, or artistic, but obscene?
The first response was to create secret museums in which objects with erotic connotations would be stored, or even concealed. The need to separate objects that could not be shown to the public from the rest of the collection, led to the modern understanding of the word pornography, which was adopted for the determination of uncomfortable harvest of Vesuvian cities.
For the second response we had to wait for over 200 years – sex themed museums. Over the past 25 years, 16 institutions of this kind were created in Europe, out of which 11 continue to operate until today. One of them is located in Warsaw. Another may soon arise in Krakow. All of these are private initiatives, most of them with non-profit intentions, and the primary motivation for their creation was the passion of the founders and their possession of a collection of sexually marked objects, often collected by them over a few decades.
The elaboration of this article constitutes the subject-matter of the author’s thesis which he defended in 2010 in the department of culture management at the Jagiellonian University; the thesis was titled Museum of eroticism, eroticism of museum. Historical context, review and analysis of European sex themed museums, which was created under the supervision of Professor Emil Orzechowski Ph.D.
Michał Pałasz
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 1 (47) Zarządzanie w antropocenie, 2021, pp. 1 - 25 article introduces the concept of posthumanistic management as a result of exploring the relationships between the Anthropocene, management and contemporary humanities. Posthumanistic management is a response to the pressing need of management reform in the context of a swirl of crises of what is called Generalized Anthropocene (and described as brutal adulthood of humanity), especially concerning the anthropogenic climate-ecological and derivative crises. The author argues that the culture of management (dominant activity of the modern world) based on greed is the reason to make management at least co-responsible for the crises of the Anthropocene next to the pathological actions and inactions of business and political actors and the dominant socio-economic system of capitalism itself. The text summarizes the attempts to humanize management (business ethics, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder theory, sustainable development, critical management studies, humanistic management) and makes an effort of posthumanistic correction of one of the dominant definitions of economic management. A posthumanistic correction of management is based on assigning agency and dignity to all, also non-human resources of management processes, and on transformation of the purpose of organizational practices from focused on particular goals of the organization towards the pursuit of the heterogeneous common good. The posthumanization of management implies, the author argues, pansolidarity, radical empathy, the fall of the mean-end dualism, redistansation and cyclization. The article ends by highliting some of the flaws of the introduced concept and some possible ways of overcoming them.
Wprowadzenie. Posthumanizm i zarządzanie. Organizowanie poza-ludzkie, więcej-niż-ludzkie, po-ludzkie
Michał Pałasz
Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 1, 2022, pp. 1 - 1ł Pałasz
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 1 (47) Zarządzanie w antropocenie, 2021, pp. 1 - 1