Dekodowanie mimicznych i wokalnych oznak emocji przez dzieci w wieku 4–7 lat
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEDekodowanie mimicznych i wokalnych oznak emocji przez dzieci w wieku 4–7 lat
Data publikacji: 09.07.2009
Psychologia Rozwojowa, 2009, Tom 14, Numer 2, s. 73 - 82
Dekodowanie mimicznych i wokalnych oznak emocji przez dzieci w wieku 4–7 lat
Deciphering vocal and facial signs of emotion by children aged 4 to 7
Communication can be both verbal and non-verbal. Often a person’s true intentions are expressed non-verbally. The two main factors of non-verbal expression are voice and facial expression.
Research has shown (Edwards, Manstead and MacDonalds, 1984; Głodowski, 1999) that children who decipher non-verbal signals most adeptly are the most popular among their peers, while those who show a lack of ability in this matter may experience social and educational failures.
The purpose of this study was to determine: 1. If and to what extent preschool-aged children (4;0–7;11 years) recognize facial signs of emotion. 2. If and to what extent preschool-aged children recognize vocal signs of emotion. 3. If, in the case of a contradiction between the verbal and non-verbal message, pre-school children emphasize the content or the intonation of speech.
This research involved the participation of 113 children attending pre-schools in the Tri- City. Analysis of the study results allowed us to state that as children mature, one can observe an increase in their ability to decipher emotions from facial expressions, while their ability to recognize emotions expressed by voice modulation decreases. Moreover, it appears that in the case of ambiguous messages, younger children place more emphasis on voice intonation than their older peers, whereas older children prefer the message content as the main indicator of information.
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Informacje: Psychologia Rozwojowa, 2009, Tom 14, Numer 2, s. 73 - 82
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Dekodowanie mimicznych i wokalnych oznak emocji przez dzieci w wieku 4–7 lat
Deciphering vocal and facial signs of emotion by children aged 4 to 7
Uniwersytet Gdański
ul. Bażyńskiego 1a 80-952 Gdańsk, Polska
Publikacja: 09.07.2009
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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