Medieval Manuscripts and False Go-betweens: On Editions and Translations of the Old English Pater Noster
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMedieval Manuscripts and False Go-betweens: On Editions and Translations of the Old English Pater Noster
Data publikacji: 05.09.2012
Przekładaniec, Numery anglojęzyczne, Issue 24/2010 – Feminism and translation, s. 221 - 255
Medieval Manuscripts and False Go-betweens: On Editions and Translations of the Old English Pater Noster
The Lord’s Prayer played an important role in the formation of early Anglo-Saxon Church. The signifi cance of Oratio Dominica was raised in ecclesiastical epistles and refl ected in state charts and laws issued at the time. Poetical paraphrases of the prayer formed part of contemporary religious literature. Their authors continued the long-standing Cædmonian tradition and used the ancient Germanic poetic diction to express Christian values. Translation of these poems requires close reading of the manuscript or its facsimile and working with reliable editions. Scholarly commentary and editorial guidance help to analyse the poems’ thought and grammar. Therefore, the selection of a dependable critical edition is the prerequisite to the esthetically satisfying and adequate translation of these extraordinary Anglo-Latin poetical masterpieces
Aarts, F.G.A. M. 1969. “The Pater Noster in Medieval English Literature.” Papers on Language and Literature 5, 3–16.
Anderson, J.E. 1986. Two Literary Riddles in the Exeter Book. Riddle 1 and the Easter Riddle. A Critical Edition with full Translation. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press.
Bethurum, D., ed. 1998. The Homilies of Wulfstan. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Bradley, S.A.J. 1995 (4th edition) Anglo-Saxon Poetry. London: Everyman.
Bober, A. S.J., ed. 1991. Millenium. Anglia, Szkocja, Irlandia. Teksty źródłowe do historii kościoła i patrystyki I–IX wiek. [Millenium. England, Scotland, Ireland. PrimarySources to the Ecclessiastical History and Patristics, 1st–10th century]. Lublin: KUL.
Bosworth, J. and T.N. Toller, 1898 (reprinted in 1954 from the 1st edition). Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Choroszy, J., ed. 2008. Ojcze nasz – nasz. Przekłady, parafrazy i inne literackie opracowania Modlitwy Pańskiej. [Our Father – our. Translations, Paraphrases and Other Literary Elaborations of Pater Noster] Vol. 1/2. Wrocław: A Linea.
Cook, A.S. 1891. “The Evolution of the Lord’s Prayer in English.” The American Journal of Philology 12/1, 59–66.
Dobbie, E.V.K., ed. 1942. The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems. New York: Columbia University Press.
Douglas, D.C. 1943 (2nd edition). English Scholars. London: Jonathan Cape.
Etmüller, L., ed. 1850. Engla and Seaxna. Scopas et Boceras. Quedlinburg-Leipzig: Godfried Basse; London: Williams&Norgate.
Feiler, E., ed. 1901. Das Benediktiner Offi zium, Ein Altenglisches Brevier Aus Dem 11 Jahrhundert: Ein Beitrag Zur Wulfstanfrage. Heildelberg: Altenglische Forschungen.
Graham, T., ed. 2000. The Recovery of Old English. Anglo-Saxon Studies in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Kalamazoo, Michigan,USA: Western Michigan University.
Graham, T. 2008. “Anglo-Saxon Studies: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries.” A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature. Eds. P. Pulsiano and E. Treharne. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 415–433.
Grein, C.W.M. 1858. Bibliothek der Angelsächsischen poesie. Goettingen.
Joy, E. A. 2005. “Thomas Smith, Humfrey Wanley, and the ‘Little-Known Country’ of the Cotton Library.” Electronic British Library Journal, 1–34.
Lumby, J.R., B.D., ed. 1876. Be Domes dæge. Early English Text Society. London.
Muir, B. J., ed. 2000 (2nd edition). The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry. An Edition of Exeter Dean and Chapter Ms 3501. 2 Volumes. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
Noronha, T. L., ed. 1971. Five Old English Verse Prayers: An Edition. Doctoral dissertation. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Plummer, Ch. 1896. Historiam Ecclesiasticam Gentis Anglorum. Commentario tam Critic tam Historic Instruxit Carolus Plummer. Oxford: Clarendon.
Starnawski, J. 1992. Praca wydawcy naukowego [The Work of a Scholarly Editor]. Ossolineum: Wrocław. Turner, S. 1803. (1840, 6th edition). The History of the Anglo- Saxons, Vol. I–III. London.
Ure, J. M., ed. 1957. The Benedictine Offi ce. An Old-English Text. Edinburgh University Press.
Wanley, H. 1705. Antiquæ Literaturæ Septentrionalis Liber alter. Seu Humphredi Wanleii Librorum Veterum Septentrionalium, qui in Angliæ Bibliothecis extant, nec non multorum Vetetum Codici Septentrionalium alibiextantium Catalogus Historico- Criticus, cum totius Thesauri Linguarum Septentrionalium sex Indicibus. Volume II. Oxford.
Informacje: Przekładaniec, Numery anglojęzyczne, Issue 24/2010 – Feminism and translation, s. 221 - 255
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Medieval Manuscripts and False Go-betweens: On Editions and Translations of the Old English Pater Noster
Medieval Manuscripts and False Go-betweens: On Editions and Translations of the Old English Pater Noster
University of Warsaw, Poland
Publikacja: 05.09.2012
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
Udział procentowy autorów:
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-Języki publikacji:
AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1989
Liczba pobrań: 1542