Zalew Bagry – część 3. Zastosowanie hydrodrona smart-sonar-boat w pomiarach batymetrycznych trudnodostępnego obszaru wodnego
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Bagry Reservoir – part 3. The application of hydro-drone smart-sonar-boat in bathymetric measurements of inaccessible water areas
Data publikacji: 29.10.2018
Geoinformatica Polonica, 2018, Vol. 17 (2018), s. 17 - 30
The Bagry Reservoir – part 3. The application of hydro-drone smart-sonar-boat in bathymetric measurements of inaccessible water areas
Within the borders of the city of Cracow there are several water bodies that are important and valuable in ecological, aesthetic (landscape), economic and recreational aspect. One of them is the Bagry Reservoir, called Bagry Wielkie, situated in Płaszów, in the neighbourhood of the zone designed for industry, warehouses, transport (railway no. 91) and residential areas. Over the whole period of its existence and use, the water body was subdued to frequent geometric changes. Transformations resulted mainly from the demand of the neighbouring brickyards for clay, gravel and sand exploited for the needs of the development in the area of Płaszów, especially during Nazi occupation and the stage of the fi rst phase of the industrialization of socialist Poland (1950–1970). The end of exploitation in 1972 and leaving the excavation without carrying out the process of remediation measures caused the return of ground waters to the state of hydro-geological (spontaneous liquidation of the depression funnel). The change in the level of the water table and a very complicated shoreline, typical in this type of post-exploitation water bodies, often cause the separation of the peripheral fragments of the water body from its main part. This limits the possibility of applying popular bathymetric sets, i.e. echo-sonars fixed on manned boats, carrying out the process of acoustic probing in water areas. In 1999, the small water body located in the south-west part of the study area, was still an integral part of the Bagry. Nowadays it is separated from the main body with a narrow piece of land. Thus the supplementation of hydrographical documentation required the application of automatic measurement tools. The article presents the results of the application of hydro-drone Smart-Sonar-Boat in making a bathymetric map of this poorly accessible fragment of Bagry, making contribution to the cartographic documentation made by R. Gawałkiewicz (Gawałkiewicz R., 2017).
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Informacje: Geoinformatica Polonica, 2018, Vol. 17 (2018), s. 17 - 30
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
The Bagry Reservoir – part 3. The application of hydro-drone smart-sonar-boat in bathymetric measurements of inaccessible water areas
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Krakowskie Zakłady Eksploatacji Kruszywa S.A.
Publikacja: 29.10.2018
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1340
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