Założenia metodyczno-technologiczne zastosowania GIS’u partycypacyjnego do projektowania i rewitalizacji terenów zieleni miejskiej (cz. 1)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMethodical and technological assumptions for using of the participatory GIS method in planning and revitalization of urban green space (part 1)
Data publikacji: 14.09.2017
Geoinformatica Polonica, 2017, Vol. 16 (2017), s. 19-33
Methodical and technological assumptions for using of the participatory GIS method in planning and revitalization of urban green space (part 1)
The growth of volunteered geographic information (VGI) has opened new possibilities for citizen participation in shaping the spatial policy of cities. Data are placed on maps by means of applications that can be accessed by widely available Internet browsers. The cradle of Internet Crowdsourcing application in spatial planning is Finland. The softGIS method, involving geographic data collection with the use of geo-questionnaires placed on the maps was developed there. Currently, in Poland, the potential of this kind of practice is recognized by more and more institutions and organizations.
This paper presents the background of the author’s project (some issues in social urban space shaping) and the methodical and technological aspect of the survey. The project deals with the issues of planning and revitalization of Olsztyn urban green space with the use of the participatory GIS method (softGIS). A web application in the form of a softGIS questionnaire was designed and created for the study. The online survey, under the promotional slogan “Have Infl uence on Olsztyn Green Space!”, was conducted from mid-October 2014 until the end of January 2015. On website the respondents (residents of Olsztyn and the neighbourhood) expressed their opinions about green spaces and recreational areas in the city. On the basis of volunteered geographic information, analyses of urban open space perception have been made at three scales: the city, the housing estate, nearby surroundings.
The study serves, to a large extent, to shape the social importance of urban green spaces in the City. In accordance with the principle of Danish architect, Jan Gehl, “First we shape the city – then it shapes us” – the public space shall be people friendly, attract and retain them for a longer time. It shall invite residents to various activities. They can provide valuable feedback on urban space, which combined with expert knowledge can result in very well-designed surroundings.
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Informacje: Geoinformatica Polonica, 2017, Vol. 16 (2017), s. 19-33
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Methodical and technological assumptions for using of the participatory GIS method in planning and revitalization of urban green space (part 1)
Department of Geomatics and Cartography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Lwowska Str. 1, 87-100 Toruń
Department of Geomatics and Cartography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Lwowska Str. 1, 87-100 Toruń
Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Prawocheńskiego Str. 17, 10-727 Olsztyn
Publikacja: 14.09.2017
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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