The Process of the Establishment of Independence of the Republic of Croatia and the Foundation of Its National Policy in Culture and Art
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Process of the Establishment of Independence of the Republic of Croatia and the Foundation of Its National Policy in Culture and Art
Data publikacji: 08.02.2016
Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2015, 2/2015 (1), s. 221-244
The Process of the Establishment of Independence of the Republic of Croatia and the Foundation of Its National Policy in Culture and Art
Two goals motivate the authors of this essay. The first is to examine the legal, historical and political context of the establishment of independence of the Croatian State at the time the Yugoslav crisis was originating. Following up on this issue in the second segment of our analysis we present a framework of the new Croatian cultural policy, which is essentially conditioned by historical events. This constitutes an overview of the founding of the new Croatian national cultural policy since the 1990s, focused on the primary sources of recent Croatian cultural and legal infrastructures in the new context of its European integration.
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Informacje: Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2015, 2/2015 (1), s. 221-244
Typ artykułu: Glosa lub komentarz prawniczy
The Process of the Establishment of Independence of the Republic of Croatia and the Foundation of Its National Policy in Culture and Art
The Process of the Establishment of Independence of the Republic of Croatia and the Foundation of Its National Policy in Culture and Art
Faculty of Law University of Rijeka Hahlić, Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Labour and Pension System Republic of Croatia
Publikacja: 08.02.2016
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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