The analysis of the relationship between the idea of Smart City and the urban form on the example of Oslo and Vienna
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAnaliza wraz z oceną relacji pomiędzy ideą Smart City a budową formy urbanistycznej na przykładzie Oslo i Wiednia
Publication date: 30.10.2018
Housing Environment, 2018, 23/2018, pp. 40-52
The analysis of the relationship between the idea of Smart City and the urban form on the example of Oslo and Vienna
The author believes that the urban form plays a key role in the adaptation of existing cities towards Smart City, as well as in the crea- tion of new smart urban tissue. The article aims to present the relationship between the urban form and the idea of Smart City on the example of two European cities from different regions: Oslo (Northern Europe) and Vienna (Central Europe). The aim of the paper is to prove that the Smart City concept should be treated holistically in both urban and architectural contexts and go beyond typically European approach towards Smart City which is based on promoting an environment-friendly sollutions for architecture and urban planning (mainly based on sustainable transport and investment in self-sufficiency in energy). The factor that should be emphasized while transforming a city into the Smart City is the crucial role of urban planning, planning methods and master planners.This paper is the final report of the research program ‘The analysis of the relationship between the idea of Smart City and the urban form on the example of Oslo and Vienna’.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 23/2018, pp. 40-52
Article type: Original article
The analysis of the relationship between the idea of Smart City and the urban form on the example of Oslo and Vienna
Analiza wraz z oceną relacji pomiędzy ideą Smart City a budową formy urbanistycznej na przykładzie Oslo i Wiednia
Zakład Przestrzeni Urbanistycznych, Wydział Architektury Politechnika Krakowska
Published at: 30.10.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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-Publication languages:
Polish, EnglishView count: 1373
Number of downloads: 812