Property Rights as the Source and Limitation of the Rights of an Individual, and the Foundation of a Society According to Murray Newton Rothbard
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEProperty Rights as the Source and Limitation of the Rights of an Individual, and the Foundation of a Society According to Murray Newton Rothbard
Publication date: 15.11.2019
Zoon Politikon, 2019, 10/2019, pp. 56-74
Property Rights as the Source and Limitation of the Rights of an Individual, and the Foundation of a Society According to Murray Newton Rothbard
The subject of the article is the concept of political system created by Murray Rothbard. His thought is part of the philosophy called libertarianism, whose representatives recognize the right of private property as the basic and only right for the human person. From this perspective, all problems regarding the limits of individual rights and freedoms are resolved. Based on natural law, Rothbard creates a vision of stateless order in which the individual is completely free from any coercion, as long as it does not violate the freedom of other individuals. Rothbard calls his system of government anarchocapitalism or market anarchism.
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Information: Zoon Politikon, 2019, 10/2019, pp. 56-74
Article type: Original article
Property Rights as the Source and Limitation of the Rights of an Individual, and the Foundation of a Society According to Murray Newton Rothbard
Property Rights as the Source and Limitation of the Rights of an Individual, and the Foundation of a Society According to Murray Newton Rothbard
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa, Polska, Poland
Published at: 15.11.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-SA
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EnglishView count: 1106
Number of downloads: 1902