Mission and objectives of the journal

Central European and Balkan Studies

“Central European and Balkan Studies” is a modern yearbook with a long tradition, published both on the Internet, free of charge for all users, and in traditional printed form. It is a peer-reviewed journal (double-blind review process), open to the public, publishing scientific articles in Polish and English, with a published list of reviewers for a given issue. Some issues are published only in English, which is aimed at a wide, international readership, promoting science and the topics to which the yearbook is devoted.

The form of publication, undertaken several years ago as a result of constant improvement of the yearbook, is the result of a carefully planned editorial policy following the latest trends in science and methods of presenting its effects on a national and international scale. It enables wide popularization of articles presented in the magazine. The texts published in “Central European and Balkan Studies” present various topics from the fields of social sciences and humanities, but linked by a common denominator, which are issues related to the area of Central and Southeastern Europe (Balkans).

Moreover, to the main field profile of the journal indicated above, it is also open to the interdisciplinary nature of research within the thematic assumptions. In addition to scientific articles in the field of politics and administration, international relations, national security and history, the yearbook includes scientific articles in the field of political theory and thought, political communication and cultural studies.

“Central European and Balkan Studies” is open to cooperation with scientists and thematic experts. We invite you to submit both scientific articles and book reviews.


Please be informed that volume XXXI of "Central European and Balkan Studies" was published with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science.
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