Water as the primary symbol of the sacred communication in the area of habitation architecture
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWoda jako pramateria współczesnej architektury znaczeniowej w przestrzeni zamieszkiwania
Publication date: 06.2023
Housing Environment, 2023, 42/2023, pp. 33-49
Water as the primary symbol of the sacred communication in the area of habitation architecture
In this article, we will show the diversity of architectonic solutions that include water in the permanent structure of the object, which offers its prominent material and symbolic role. The method used for this research is the inquiry and the analysis of contemporary sacral things in which water plays the role of prima materiel. The research will use the author's narrative method to analysed the architecture of meaning. This study of the architectonic piece will be led through five deliberate and narrative aspects, exploring the author's intention – location, creation date, and narration, among others -project ideas. After a previous search, the project was selected as an example of meaningful objects. The objects are divided into four groups of signifiers: artificial landscape, ecological stream, memory space, and axiomatic medium. The research aimed to show that water as crematoria in meaningful objects does not only have a functional role, it also has a symbolic meaning. The current state of knowledge indicates that, at present, there are no scientific publications that analyse 'water' as an element of parametria. The water in architecture usually is analysed in practical and technical aspects; the semantic part of the project is generally excluded. The question will be studied using projects or finished objects in contemporary sacral architecture.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2023, 42/2023, pp. 33-49
Article type: Original article
Water as the primary symbol of the sacred communication in the area of habitation architecture
Woda jako pramateria współczesnej architektury znaczeniowej w przestrzeni zamieszkiwania
Faculty of Architecture Warsaw University of Technology,
Warsaw University of Technology
Plac Politechniki 1, pok. 104
00-661 Warszawa, Poland
Institute of Architecture, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Published at: 06.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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Polish, EnglishView count: 546
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