Transparency of partitions in relation to the interior and exterior of the building
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETransparentność przegród w aspekcie relacji wnętrza i zewnętrza budynku
Publication date: 01.12.2017
Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 15-22
Transparency of partitions in relation to the interior and exterior of the building
The relationship between the interior of the building and its outer space is now the basic component in architectural design as a holistic integrated spatial solution. The opening of the building to the context of the immediate surroundings serves to build a visual expression, attractive aesthetics of the building and its artistic expression, but also the creation of interior spatial impressions connected with the light. All compositional and plastic effects and landscape effects are achieved through the use of transparent partitions, the conscious use of light in the building. Another aspect of such solutions is the possibility of building a universal space, where the boundaries between the interior and exterior of the designed object are blurred. Not without significance here is the use of appropriate materials that emphasise the unity of the connection and the partition is only the formal closure of the space. This is particularly important in the design of relationships landscape – interior, which outside the planned view is given a natural lighting. The ability to use transparent walls in architecture is due to the use of state-of-the-art technology that allows large areas of glazed glass to be introduced without limitation. Transparency can then act on both sides of the barrier, outside and inside the object.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 15-22
Article type: Original article
Transparency of partitions in relation to the interior and exterior of the building
Transparentność przegród w aspekcie relacji wnętrza i zewnętrza budynku
Zakład Architektury, Wnętrz i Form Przemysłowych, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej
Published at: 01.12.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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