The urban features of the formation of the ensemble development of the kyiv-pechersk lavra (the latter half of the 17th-18th centuries)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe urban features of the formation of the ensemble development of the kyiv-pechersk lavra (the latter half of the 17th-18th centuries)
Publication date: 10.01.2019
Housing Environment, 2018, 25/2018, pp. 29 - 36
The urban features of the formation of the ensemble development of the kyiv-pechersk lavra (the latter half of the 17th-18th centuries)
Significant development of monastic construction in the Naddnipryanshchyna (the Dnipro Ukraine), Livoberezhzhia (the Left-bank Ukraine) and Slobozhanshchyna (Sloboda Ukraine) during the time of the Hetmanate had a solid socio-political background, the main of which was the liberation from the national and religious oppression and the formation of statehood. The economic conditions were no less important. The economic power of the monasteries allowed to rebuild the ancient monasteries, which already had brick buildings, rebuilt the ancient monasteries that were entirely wooden to the masonry ones.
The subject of the formation of stone building on the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in the 17th -18th centuries is of exceptional interest for research, as it is the only architectural ensemble, united by unique monuments, which has no analogues in the Ukrainian architecture.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 25/2018, pp. 29 - 36
Article type: Original article
The urban features of the formation of the ensemble development of the kyiv-pechersk lavra (the latter half of the 17th-18th centuries)
The urban features of the formation of the ensemble development of the kyiv-pechersk lavra (the latter half of the 17th-18th centuries)
IT in Architecture Department, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Published at: 10.01.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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