Smart city? – the realities of contemporary information transfer in shaping the spatial policy of polish municipalities
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RIS BIB ENDNOTESmart city? - Realia współczesnego przekazu informacji w kształtowaniu polityki przestrzennej polskich gmin
Publication date: 10.01.2019
Housing Environment, 2018, 25/2018, pp. 81 - 89
Smart city? – the realities of contemporary information transfer in shaping the spatial policy of polish municipalities
The dynamic development of information systems affects the ongoing socio-economic changes, shaping the possibilities of modern management also in the sphere of spatial development.
Against this background, the presented study attempted to answer the question of how the described civilizational progress affects the framework of the functioning spatial policy of Polish municipalities. The study was confined to matters associated with contemporary information transfer and its effects on public involvement in the process of spatial planning, as well as on the legal awareness of municipal government personnel in their individually applied spatial policy.
In light of the collected results, a significant discrepancy was diagnosed between the contemporary IT potential and actual measures taken by municipal governments, leading to the disintegration of planning processes and social conflicts. The work features an outline of proposed necessary reparative measures.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 25/2018, pp. 81 - 89
Article type: Original article
Smart city? – the realities of contemporary information transfer in shaping the spatial policy of polish municipalities
Smart city? - Realia współczesnego przekazu informacji w kształtowaniu polityki przestrzennej polskich gmin
Zakład Przestrzeni Urbanistycznych, Wydział Architektury Politechnika Krakowska
Fundacja Rozwoju Badań Społecznych
Published at: 10.01.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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Polish, EnglishView count: 1315
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