Recreation – fenced off
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERekreacja – ogrodzona
Publication date: 22.11.2016
Housing Environment, 2016, 16/2016, pp. 114 - 121
Recreation – fenced off
Ensuring our own security has always been one of the main aims of humanity. When the walls of fortresses became a thing of the past along with World War I, it seemed that all manners of fences and walls are going to disappear from our cities forever. Seventy years later, along with Poland’s reclaimed independence, we are going back to the tall fences that are meant to give us protection. The housing developments of the 1990’s and of the first two decades of the XXI century have elevated a fence to a symbol of luxury. Polish cities started to resemble guarded ghettoes, in which tall walls delineate the borders between that which is worse and generally accessible and that which is superior, guarded and enclosed. Access to green areas has been restricted in a lot of places. They have been reserved for the residents of the nearby residential buildings and their residents only. Many recreational pathways have been severed, forcing their users to circle around the walled off enclaves, often using paths leading along streets with heavy traffic. What are the causes of this state of affairs and is it possible to once again bring back the continuity of the structure of the city, accessible to all of its inhabitants?
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Information: Housing Environment, 2016, 16/2016, pp. 114 - 121
Article type: Original article
Recreation – fenced off
Rekreacja – ogrodzona
Instytut Projektowania Urbanistycznego, Politechnika Krakowska
Published at: 22.11.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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-Publication languages:
Polish, EnglishView count: 1497
Number of downloads: 714