Introduction of conceptual project ideas into the realia of modern Ukraine architecture. (Based on the example of an international student’s design seminar concerning renovation of an assembly hall in the first academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University with extending theatrical function)

Publication date: 01.12.2017

Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 68 - 83



Victor Proskuriakov
Department of Design of Architectural Environment of the Institute of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
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Y. V. Filipchuk
Department of design of architectural environment of the Institute of architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukrainie)
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O. V. Krasylnykov
Department of design of architectural environment of the Institute of architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukrainie)
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Introduction of conceptual project ideas into the realia of modern Ukraine architecture. (Based on the example of an international student’s design seminar concerning renovation of an assembly hall in the first academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University with extending theatrical function)


The article presents results of an international project seminar which was organized and conducted by Lviv architecture school in Lviv Polytechnic National University in May 2017 having invited artistic groups from Toronto (Canada), Dresden (Germany) and the city of Dnipro to participate.


[1] Viktor Proskuryakov. The development of progressive typological ideas by architectural schools from Lviv and Dresden. V. I. Proskuryakov //Structure and environment: architecture, civil engineering, env. Engineering and energy. – No 2/2011, vol. 3. – PL ISSN 2081-1500.

[2] Proskuryakov V. I. Educational-research designing as a method of typology development of library buildings by architectural schools of Lviv and Kielce polytechnics / V. I. Proskuryakov, I. S. Voronkova // Structure and environment: architecture, civil engineering, environmental engineering and energy. – No 1/2013, vol. 5. – P. 5-10. – PL ISSN 2081-1500.


Information: Housing Environment, 2017, 20/2017, pp. 68 - 83

Article type: Original article



Introduction of conceptual project ideas into the realia of modern Ukraine architecture. (Based on the example of an international student’s design seminar concerning renovation of an assembly hall in the first academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University with extending theatrical function)


Introduction of conceptual project ideas into the realia of modern Ukraine architecture. (Based on the example of an international student’s design seminar concerning renovation of an assembly hall in the first academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University with extending theatrical function)


Department of Design of Architectural Environment of the Institute of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Department of design of architectural environment of the Institute of architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukrainie)

Department of design of architectural environment of the Institute of architecture of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukrainie)

Published at: 01.12.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Victor Proskuriakov (Author) - 33%
Y. V. Filipchuk (Author) - 33%
O. V. Krasylnykov (Author) - 34%

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