Hippodromes as multifunctional, sports and leisure green spaces in the structure of contemporary citie
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEHipodromy jako wielofunkcyjne, sportowo-rekreacyjne przestrzenie zielone w strukturze współczesnych miast
Publication date: 06.03.2018
Housing Environment, 2018, 22/2018, pp. 166 - 173
Hippodromes as multifunctional, sports and leisure green spaces in the structure of contemporary citie
Hippodrome is one of the oldest forms of a sports facility, intended for organizing horse shows and races. The tradition of constructing such objects dates back to the times of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Today, these are extensive facilities, occupying area of even several dozen of hectares, often located in the central zones of big cities. They are used not only for shows and competitions, but also for everyday horse riding and EAT (Equestrian Assisted Therapy). Modern development of hippodromes with accompanying buildings and infrastructure as so-called “equestrian parks”, combining sports and recreational elements, while maintaining the basic function of horse racing, allows them to be transformed into multifunctional, green spaces of high social and landscape values. As a result, they take on significance not only in the cities, but entire regions and enjoys increasing popularity as places of everyday leisure. The article presents and analyzes selected examples of hippodromes from Poland and Europe, in terms of their importance in sustainable urban development.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 22/2018, pp. 166 - 173
Article type: Original article
Hippodromes as multifunctional, sports and leisure green spaces in the structure of contemporary citie
Hipodromy jako wielofunkcyjne, sportowo-rekreacyjne przestrzenie zielone w strukturze współczesnych miast
Division of Rural Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 06.03.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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Polish, EnglishView count: 1353
Number of downloads: 849