Greenery as an element of shaping urban public spaces dedicated to culture—selected examples
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEZieleń jako element kształtowania miejskich przestrzeni publicznych dedykowanych kulturze – wybrane przykłady
Publication date: 08.01.2019
Housing Environment, 2018, 24/2018, pp. 99 - 110
Greenery as an element of shaping urban public spaces dedicated to culture—selected examples
Architectural and urban structures and complexes associated with cultural functions in European cities currently constitute elements of their spatial structure that are significant to their status and image. They co-create essential sequences of urban and landscape interiors, both within historical spatial layouts, as well as newly-designed ones, most commonly including those fragments of urban tissue that are subjected to urban regeneration processes. Many of these spaces are accompanied by green compositions, most commonly in the form of small flower-beds or rows of trees that highlight the monumentalism of urban and architectural complexes and which are meant to symbolise the rank and position of individual cultural institutions. Apart from historical park and residence complexes that are currently being adapted to functions associated with culture, it is very rare for arranged greenery to dominate in these types of layouts, instead of primarily serving as a background for architecture—an equally significant if not a non-dominant element that shapes urban public space. The publication refers to a number of examples of contemporary built projects of such spaces in European metropolises.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 24/2018, pp. 99 - 110
Article type: Original article
Greenery as an element of shaping urban public spaces dedicated to culture—selected examples
Zieleń jako element kształtowania miejskich przestrzeni publicznych dedykowanych kulturze – wybrane przykłady
Division of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland
Department of Civil, Environmental and Nature Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Illinois School of Architecture, UI-UC, Associate Professor, ETSAV ‒ UPC_BarcelonaTECH
Published at: 08.01.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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