Współczesne enoteki jako przykład budynków zaprojektowanych w harmonii ze środowiskiem naturalnym

Publication date: 06.03.2018

Housing Environment, 2018, 22/2018, pp. 63 - 75



Manezha Dost
fArchitecture of Work Places and Recreation A-21, Team of Modern Regionalism Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology
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Contemporary wineries as buildings designed in harmony with the natural environment


In the times of increasing urban development, harmonious incorporation of new buildings into the existing surroundings and taking into consideration environmental and climate conditions of the region plays a major role. Creating modern and innovative architecture closely connected to local culture and tradition is clearly visible in global trends. Designing sustainable architecture related to the idea of critical regionalism gains more and more popularity. One of the presumptions of this concept is direct, dialectic contact of the building and nature. According to Kenneth Frampton, the fundamental characteristic of critical regionalism is “place-form”, i.e. creating architecture closely connected to the place and terrain it occupies, taking into account lighting, topography, and climate. In this paper, I will analyse selected contemporary European wineries as examples of architecture closely connected with green areas due to their function. I will try to answer the question whether these buildings, created for people respecting and enjoying the nature, can be considered exemplary solutions for designs aiming at maintaining environmental values.


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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 22/2018, pp. 63 - 75

Article type: Original article



Contemporary wineries as buildings designed in harmony with the natural environment


Współczesne enoteki jako przykład budynków zaprojektowanych w harmonii ze środowiskiem naturalnym


fArchitecture of Work Places and Recreation A-21, Team of Modern Regionalism Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology

Published at: 06.03.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Manezha Dost (Author) - 100%

Article corrections:


Publication languages:

Polish, English