Architectural methods of fighting air pollution
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEArchitektoniczne metody walki z zanieczyszczeniem powietrza
Publication date: 30.10.2018
Housing Environment, 2018, 23/2018, pp. 141 - 148
Architectural methods of fighting air pollution
One of the greatest threats to cities that are dynamically developing all over the world is air pollution. It causes numerous problems, including the most severe ones, which concern the health of residents. It is estimated that there are around 600 thousand early deaths associated with smog in Europe. This leads to a loss of around 1,6 billion dollars for European economies. These numbers show just how significant the fight against this threat really is. The article below presents solutions that have been introduced by architects in order to aid the residents of cities in their struggle with polluted air over the past several years, in the form of a review. It also presents designs that are in their experimental stages and which show potential for application.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2018, 23/2018, pp. 141 - 148
Article type: Original article
Architectural methods of fighting air pollution
Architektoniczne metody walki z zanieczyszczeniem powietrza
Instytut Projektowania Urbanistycznego, Politechnika Krakowska
Published at: 30.10.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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-Publication languages:
Polish, English