Publication date: 12.2020
Volume reviewers:
prof. Jaromir Jeszke, prof. Michał Musielak, prof. Tadeusz Nasierowski, prof. Cezary Domański, prof. Marian Surdacki, prof. Tadeusz Srogosz, prof. Anita Magowska, dr hab. Walentyna Krystyna Korpalska, prof. Bożena Urbanek, dr hab. Magdalena Paciorek
Licence: None
Editorial team
Editor-in-Chief Bożena Urbanek
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Jaromir Jeszke
Secretary Magdalena Paciorek, Anna Marek
Modern medicine, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2, 2020, pp. 9 - 20 medicine, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2, 2020, pp. 21 - 56 medicine, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2, 2020, pp. 59 - 73 medicine, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2, 2020, pp. 79 - 97 medicine, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2, 2020, pp. 101 - 116 medicine, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2, 2020, pp. 117 - 157 medicine, Volume 26 (2020) Issue 2, 2020, pp. 161 - 210łowa kluczowe: plica neuropathica, plica polonica, Polish plait, medicine in the 19th c., dermatology in the 20th c., psychiatry in the 20th c., India, Europe, breastfeeding, history of medicine, occupational diseases, syphilis, wet-nurse, Michał Kaczkowski, epidemic diseases, cholera, 19th century, history of medicine, army, physical condition, health, diet, housing, Middle Ages, Lier de sinthomatibus mulierum, infertility, professors of medicine colleges, medicine in the Stalinist period, Central Committee (KC PZPR) documents, history of medicine, history of anatomy, history of surgery, natural history, philosophy of nature, history of education, the Netherlands in the 18th c., Danzig (Gdańsk), Leiden Amsterdam, peregrinatio academica