Publication date: 30.09.2020
Czasopismo zostało dofinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego na podstawie umowy Nr 285/WCN/2019/1 z dnia 30 maja 2019 r. z pomocy przyznanej w ramach programu „Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych”.
The journal was subsidized by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, agreement No. 285/WCN/2019/1 of 30. May 2019, programme „Support for Scientific Journals”.
Publikacja dofinansowana przez Uniwersytet Jagielloński ze środków Wydziału Prawa i Administracji.
The publication has been sponsored by Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
Editorial team
Editors of the Issue 3 Dr hab. Maciej Mikuła, Dr Michał Ożóg
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 257-271 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 273-287 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 289-301 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 303-319 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 321-328 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 329-343 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 345-387 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 389-392 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 393-401 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 403-406 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 407-411 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 413-420 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 421-422 Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 13, Issue 3, Volume 13 (2020), pp. 423-428łowa kluczowe: history of Poland, history of canon law, union of churches and benefices, unio ecclesiarum, Polish-Lithuanian union, Vampires, Witschcraft, Magia Posthuma, Poltergeist, Gespenst, Moravia, Silesia, parish register, austriacki kodeks cywilny, Galicja, prawo cywilne, pactum advitalitium, Ernest, Free City of Krakow; Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law, professors, lawyers (attorneys at law), Napoleonic Code, Vratislav Kalousek, interwar Czechoslovakia, law system, dictatorship, Slovakia, Carpathian Ruthenia, sources of law, historical interpretation, court rulings, joint land property, the Polish agricultural reform of 1944, nominal repayment of mortgage dues, civil code, codification commission, Congress Kingdom of Poland, Civil Reform Committee, Antoni Bieńkowski, Aleksander Linowski, conference, constitutional crisis, France, legal history, publication, Yellow Vests, scholarly events, Hungary, legal and constitutional history, academic degrees, conferences, legal history, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, research status, pedagogy, staff development, projects, conferences, Ukraine, legal status, legal history, legal regulation, punishment, International Association of Law Historians, scholarly research, Legal and Constitutional History, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University, AYLH, conference, annual forum, Brussels, legal history, constitutional history, history, Old Polish Sejm, Jagiellonian University, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences