Andrzej Skrendo
Polish Pedagogical Thought, Issue 10, X (2024), pp. 141 - 158
https://doi.org/10.4467/24504564PMP.24.008.19962Andrzej Skrendo
Wielogłos, Issue 4 (22) 2014: Czytanie Błońskiego, 2014, pp. 45 - 52
https://doi.org/10.4467/2084395XWI.14.045.3454Jan Błoński – idiosyncrasies
Jan Błoński, the great Polish literary critic, sometimes loses his insightfulness. He rejects, refuses and denies understanding. This concerns mainly the writers who he does not like or appreciate enough. From time to time he seems to be remarkably one-sided when it regards most important authors for him as well. Skrendo finds the reasons of this particular behavior idiosyncratic. How they collide with his greatness and how they build it – may be found in this article.
Andrzej Skrendo
Wielogłos, Issue 1-2 (5-6) 2009: Polonistyka - trwanie czy zmiana?, 2009, pp. 159 - 165
Hanna Marciniak, Inwencje i repetycje. Formy doświadczenia poetyckiego w twórczości Juliana Przybosia, Kraków 2009
Andrzej Skrendo
Wielogłos, Issue 1-2 (5-6) 2009: Polonistyka - trwanie czy zmiana?, 2009, pp. 7 - 35
Andrzej Skrendo
Wielogłos, Issue 2 (52) 2022: Wokół Różewicza. O śmiechu, fotografiach i głosie, 2022, pp. 1 - 22
https://doi.org/10.4467/2084395XWI.22.001.15874The subject of the article is the problem of laughter and the related phenomena in the work of Tadeusz Różewicz. The problem is considered in a broad theoretical context. The aim of the article is to develop a concept in which two pictures of Różewicz will be reconciled: the poet of trauma as well as the satirist and the comedy writer.
Andrzej Skrendo
Wielogłos, Issue 1 (19) 2014: Henryk Markiewicz - człowiek i uczony, 2014, pp. 91 - 100
An exit from the humanities
The subject of this article is ‘Polityka wrażliwości. Wprowadzenie do humanistyki/The Politics of Sensibility: An Introduction to the Humanities’ (Kraków 2013) by Michał Paweł Markowski. The author of the review looks into the causes of the crisis in humanistic studies and the issue of scientification in literature studies. He oppose to the statement that humanistic studies is not, and should not be, science. He ascertains that in modern university, the fate of literature researchers depends on their ability to re-justify scientific status of humanistic studies.