Boredom and Power: How Power Relations Influence Feeling Boredom
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEBoredom and Power: How Power Relations Influence Feeling Boredom
Data publikacji: 17.10.2023
Zoon Politikon, 2023, 14/2023, s. 123-148
Boredom and Power: How Power Relations Influence Feeling Boredom
The paper advocates the claim that boredom is not only a psychological state or existential mood but a social emotion produced and reproduced in the process of interactions between people as individuals, people displaying specific social roles, or social groups. Moreover, as argued in the article, the feeling of boredom is particularly characteristic of power relations. Therefore, boredom is hypothesized to be a matter of interactional/social position – its experiencing is influenced by one’s social status. The power to produce boredom in others usually reflects a higher social position, and in some situations, causing others to be bored can constitute a deliberate or unintentional method of keeping others in a submissive position by limiting their sense of agency – thus a tool for gaining/maintaining power and social control.
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Informacje: Zoon Politikon, 2023, 14/2023, s. 123-148
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Boredom and Power: How Power Relations Influence Feeling Boredom
Boredom and Power: How Power Relations Influence Feeling Boredom
Collegium Civitas
Publikacja: 17.10.2023
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-SA
Udział procentowy autorów:
Korekty artykułu:
-Języki publikacji:
AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 354
Liczba pobrań: 258
Sugerowane cytowania: APA