Perspektywa badań epigraficznych a koncepcja zarządzania informacją

Data publikacji: 10.04.2019

Studia Historica Gedanensia, 2018, Tom 9 (2018), s. 130-137



Michał Dalidowicz
Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
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Perspektywa badań epigraficznych a koncepcja zarządzania informacją


The perspective of epigraphic research and the concept of information management


Epigraphy is one of the auxiliary sciences of history and yet it is still not fully used by scholars. The problem connects to the dispersion of research results and the form of their presentation. There are many independent researchers, representing different fields of science and studies that deal with nscriptions in their university and job activities. The only issue is that the results of their field researches are often presented in completely various ways, using a number of methods. That seems to be a bit problematic to use the metadata, because they regularly contain irrelevant data. Non - ssential ones from the perspective of different scholar point of views. The aim of the article is to exhort scholars dealing with inscriptions (historians, historians of art, historians of culture, language etc.) to present the outcome of their researches in a way, every person interested in, could get what they need. E.g. while historian of art presents architectural programme of an epitaph, the inscription is barely mentioned, instead of being presented with the full analysis. One may find information about the art as itself, but semantics and semiotics of the inscription is not attached. The author of the article also asks to create an online version of all the inscription being gathered till nowadays, and those which are still in the progress of cataloguing. Many researchers does the enormous work, yet keeps their results for themselves, not publishing them to the broad circle of recipients. If creating such an instrument, scholars, especially students and beginners might find all interesting data at one place. Not only would it be useful, but also kept every collected data safe.   


Informacje: Studia Historica Gedanensia, 2018, Tom 9 (2018), s. 130-137

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy


Perspektywa badań epigraficznych a koncepcja zarządzania informacją
The perspective of epigraphic research and the concept of information management


Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

Publikacja: 10.04.2019

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: Żadna

Udział procentowy autorów:

Michał Dalidowicz (Autor) - 100%

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