„Zadanie tłumacza” w dobie antropocenu. Dzisiejsza rola przekładu w świetle ekopoetyki i realizmu spekulatywnego
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RIS BIB ENDNOTE„Zadanie tłumacza” w dobie antropocenu. Dzisiejsza rola przekładu w świetle ekopoetyki i realizmu spekulatywnego
Data publikacji: 2022
Przekładaniec, 2022, Numer 44, s. 7 - 38
„Zadanie tłumacza” w dobie antropocenu. Dzisiejsza rola przekładu w świetle ekopoetyki i realizmu spekulatywnego
“The Task of the Translator” in the Anthropocene. Today’s Role of Translation in the Light of Ecopoetics and Speculative Realism
According to the 2014 UCL report on communicating climate change, a new social contract is necessary to save the biosphere, challenging us not only to provide commentary on scientific data, but also to rethink the categories framing the relationship between humanity and the natural environment. The former is related to translation insofar as it regards the development of accounts that convey conclusions from natural sciences in rhetorically impactful ways. The latter defines “the task of the translator” in the Anthropocene – to draw from Walter Benjamin – as the effort to develop, in processes of translation, more self-conscious metaphors of inhabiting the Earth. A special role would be played in this area by literature, especially the kind that foregrounds environmentally-aware linguistic invention capable of overcoming the persisting dualism of nature and culture. The aim of this article is to sketch a theoretical framework for such an understanding of translation on the basis of ground-breaking research in the fields of translation studies (Michael Cronin, Kobus Marais), ecopoetics (Julia Fiedorczuk, Gerardo Beltrán), and philosophical criticisms of anthropocentricism formulated within the post-humanities and speculative realism (Bruno Latour, Catherine Malabou). To illustrate these claims, the article invokes poems by Alice Oswald, Sinéad Morrissey (translated by Magda Heydel) and Forrest Gander (translated by Julia Fiedorczuk). These translators are tasked with reconstructing – to borrow Benjamin’s idea – a “pure language” understood here as an expressive absolute that defies anthropocentric limitations. Accommodation of various languages, including non-human ones (as biosemiotics suggests), could thus streamline the development of a new social contract or “constitution” (as Latour terms it) that would redefine (or re-translate) the social and the natural.
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Informacje: Przekładaniec, 2022, Numer 44, s. 7 - 38
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
„Zadanie tłumacza” w dobie antropocenu. Dzisiejsza rola przekładu w świetle ekopoetyki i realizmu spekulatywnego
“The Task of the Translator” in the Anthropocene. Today’s Role of Translation in the Light of Ecopoetics and Speculative Realism
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin
Publikacja: 2022
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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