Tomasz Landmann
Prace Historyczne, Numer 150 (4), 2023, s. 737-757 Landmann
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 1 (191), 2024 (L), s. 99-122 Landmann
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Online First, Online First, s. 1-24 article aims to present an outline and analysis of the topics presented in the July and August 1939 issue of “Gazeta Polska w Brazylii” (“Polish Newspaper in Brazil”). These concerned informing the Brazilian Polish community about matters and interests crucial to the Polish state’s security.
The article analyses all the issues of “Gazeta Polska w Brazylii” of July and August 1939, the available scientific literature, and other printed sources.
It has been shown that “Gazeta Polska w Brazylii” was the leading periodical informing the Brazilian Polonia about matters important to the Polish state’s interests and security. On the eve of the outbreak of World War II, the dominant issues of interest to the Polish community in Brazil included the evaluation of the Brazilian government, Hitler and the Third Reich, and German actions towards the local population in the areas taken over by the German state in 1938 and 1939. The issue of the Free City of Danzig and German militarism in the region, which threatened the interests of the Second Republic and Polish citizens’ position, was also significant.
Tomasz Landmann
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 1 (183), 2022 (XLVIII), s. 181-198 paper aims to present the challenges in the form of practical directions and results of activities undertaken by diplomats serving at the Polish Embassy in Rio de Janeiro as an institution representing the Second Polish Republic’s interests in the largest country in South America.
The article analyses selected archival materials collected in the Archive of the Józef Piłsudski Institute of America and available literature. The documents used are in Polish. Some documents were translated from Portuguese.
It was shown that the Polish Embassy in Rio de Janeiro contributed to the strengthening of diplomatic relations between Poland and Brazil in the 1920s. The results of the institution’s activities included consolidating the foundations of economic cooperation between the two countries, including the support of the Brazilian Polish community. Moreover, activities in the field of press inspiration in the host country were carried out.
Tomasz Landmann
Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 261-277
Prometheism as a political and ideological assumption in correspondence of Polish Prometheus Group in London in the first years after the Second World War
Tomasz Landmann
Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 13, 2019, s. 185-203
Tomasz Landmann
Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 14, 2020, s. 297-322 as a defensive element of security policy of second Polish Republic in 1926–1932
The article presents examples of the implementation of the Promethean action on selected directions of cooperation with nations dependent on the Soviet Union in connection with the activity of the authorities of the Second Republic of Poland in the years 1926–1932. The involvement of military authorities in this process was primarily taken into consideration. Prometheism was considered as one of the organised concepts of implementing not only political but also information and intelligence activities.
The author defines the place and importance of Prometheism in the activities of Polish military intelligence in the years 1926–1932. He also distinguishes examples of cooperation with the Promethean nations aiming at strengthening the security of the Second Republic. The archival materials collected in the Central Military Archive in Warsaw-Rembertów and the Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw were used to achieve the objective set.
It should be stated that Prometheism was a significant concept within the involvement of military intelligence in strengthening the national security of the Second Polish Republic. It was evidenced by the Polish authorities’ cooperation with nations dependent on Soviet activities in the East.
Tomasz Landmann
Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 16, 2022, s. 341-359 artykułu jest określenie i scharakteryzowanie kluczowych przesłanek świadczących o tym, że implikacje sporu polsko-litewskiego wpłynęły w latach 1919-1922 w sposób niekorzystny na bezpieczeństwo odrodzonego państwa polskiego. Analizę oparto na materiale archiwalnym zgromadzonym w Archiwum Instytutu Józefa Piłsudskiego w Ameryce, a także na dostępnym piśmiennictwie.
Przyjęto tezę, że eskalacja i trwanie sporu polsko-litewskiego wpłynęły niekorzystnie na bezpieczeństwo państwa polskiego w latach 1919-1922. Oddziaływały niekorzystnie na położenie państwa polskiego w różnych dziedzinach przedmiotowych bezpieczeństwa.
Zaprezentowane argumenty pozwalają stwierdzić, iż konflikt polsko-litewski oddziaływał w latach 1919-1922 na różne przedmiotowe sfery bezpieczeństwa II RP. Wpływał niekorzystnie na bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne i zewnętrze państwa. Dotyczył zagrożeń militarnych w związku z działaniami armii litewskiej i doraźnie organizowanych oddziałów partyzanckich, a także sprowadzał się do licznych zagrożeń pozamilitarnych.
The importance of Polish-Lithuanian disputes for security of The Second Polish Republic in the years 1919-1922. Selected symptoms (part 2)
The aim of the article is to define and characterize the key premises proving that the implications of the Polish-Lithuanian dispute in 1919-1922 adversely affected the security of the reborn Polish state. The analysis was based on archival material collected in the Archives of the Józef Piłsudski Institute in America, as well as on the available literature.
It was accepted that the escalation and continuation of the Polish-Lithuanian dispute had a negative impact on the security of the Polish state in the years 1919-1922. It adversely affected the position of the Polish state in various security areas.
The arguments presented allow us to state that the Polish-Lithuanian conflict in 1919-1922 affected various security areas of the Second Polish Republic. It has adversely affected both the internal security and external security of the state. It concerned military threats in connection with the activities of the Lithuanian army and temporarily organized partisan units as well as boiled down to numerous non-military threats.
Tomasz Landmann
Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 15, 2021, s. 267-286 artykułu jest przedstawienie najistotniejszych przesłanek świadczących o rozpoznaniu przez Polskę zagrożenia litewskiego dla II RP w procesie kreowania bezpieczeństwa odrodzonej Polski. Analizę oparto na materiale archiwalnym z Archiwum Instytutu Józefa Piłsudskiego w Ameryce oraz dostępnym piśmiennictwie. Przyjęto tezę, że w latach 1919‑1922 istniały liczne przesłanki świadczące o sporze polsko‑litewskim, a polski wywiad wojskowy dysponował dobrym rozpoznaniem przejawów zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa II RP ze strony Litwy. Zaprezentowane argumenty pozwalają stwierdzić, iż antypolskie działania ze strony Litwy Kowieńskiej dotyczyły zróżnicowanych przejawów oddziaływania na bezpieczeństwo II RP i Polaków mieszkających na obszarze Litwy. Spór między państwami miał charakter militarny, dotycząc rywalizacji terytorialnej, ale dotyczył także konfliktu polityczno‑dyplomatycznego. Litwini posługiwali się licznymi aktami dywersji, a także sabotowania działań polskich władz, zarówno na obszarze Ziemi Wileńskiej, jak i pasa przygranicznego wyznaczanego demarkacyjną linią Focha.
The importance of Polish‑Lithuanian disputes for security of The Second Polish Republic in the years 1919‑1922. Selected symptoms (part 1)
The aim of the article is to present the most important premises demonstrating Poland’s recognition of the Lithuanian threat to the Second Polish Republic in the process of creating the security of a reborn Poland. The analysis was based on archival material from the Archive of the Józef Piłsudski Institute in America as well as on available literature. It was assumed that in 1919‑1922 there were numerous indications of a Polish‑Lithuanian dispute going on, and Polish military intelligence had a good recognition of the manifestations of the security threat of the Second Polish Republic on the part of Lithuania. The arguments presented allow us to state that the anti‑Polish activities of Lithuanian Kowienska part concerned various manifestations and had an impact on the security of the Second Polish Republic and Poles living in the territory of Lithuania. The dispute between the states was of a military nature, concerning territorial rivalry, but it also concerned a political and diplomatic conflict. The Lithuanians used numerous acts of subversion, as well as sabotage towards the actions of Polish authorities, both in the area of Wielen Land and the border strip marked by the demarcation Foch line.