Memory, Politics and the Construction of a Nation’s Identity. Internment Camp for Women (ALZHIR) near Astana (Kazakhstan)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMemory, Politics and the Construction of a Nation’s Identity. Internment Camp for Women (ALZHIR) near Astana (Kazakhstan)
Publication date: 29.11.2019
Zoon Politikon, 2019, 10/2019, pp. 163 - 185
Memory, Politics and the Construction of a Nation’s Identity. Internment Camp for Women (ALZHIR) near Astana (Kazakhstan)
The article analyses the contents of the Museum and Memorial Complex of Political Repressions and Totalitarianism Victims on the former Akmolinsky Camp for Wives of the Traitors of the Motherland (Akmolińskij łagierżon izmiennikow Rodiny, ALZhiR). The author describes and scrutinizes the functioning of the museum “ALZhIR” in the context of internal and external politics of the Kazakhstan state conducted by president Nursultan Nazarbayev and his allies. The museum not only introduces the camp reality but also highlights the support given to the Kazakh state and Kazakh nation. The author focuses on the analysis of those aspects of the museum content that present the national ideology, which main ideas are a glorification of Kazakh history, culture and humanitarianism (i.e. fundamental requirement of giving aid to the people in need).
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Information: Zoon Politikon, 2019, 10/2019, pp. 163 - 185
Article type: Original article
Collegium Civitas, plac Defilad 1, XII piętro, 00-901 Warszawa, Poland
Published at: 29.11.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-SA
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