The Impersonal Subject -N/T Construction in Polish and the Typology of Voice Heads
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Impersonal Subject -N/T Construction in Polish and the Typology of Voice Heads
Publication date: 16.04.2015
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 9 (2014), Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 203 - 243
The Impersonal Subject -N/T Construction in Polish and the Typology of Voice Heads
The paper offers a novel analysis of the impersonal construction marked with -no/to in Polish. Contra previous accounts, the -no/to verbal morphology is decomposed into two morphemes, -n/t, realizing an impersonal active Voice head and –o, the default spell-out of unvalued agreement features of finite T. The analysis is embedded within a wider set of assumptions about the composition of the extended verbal projection in Polish, including a second active Voice head in addition to Voice found in personal structures. This suggests that the inventory of Voice heads in natural languages includes not only two non-active heads (i.e. passive and middle), but also two active Voice heads (i.e. personal and impersonal). The distributional and interpretational properties of the construction, including Case-related behaviour in secondary-predication contexts, suggest that the impersonal subject is best analysed as a minimal pronoun, whose Case feature is unvalued/absent in the narrow syntax.
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Information: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 9 (2014), Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 203 - 243
Article type: Original article
The Impersonal Subject -N/T Construction in Polish and the Typology of Voice Heads
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 16.04.2015
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