On word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese Noun Phrases
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEOn word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese Noun Phrases
Publication date: 02.04.2014
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 8 (2013), Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 173 - 204
On word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese Noun Phrases
We provide a semantic account of the free ordering of NP-internal elements in Chinese and argue that this provides evidence for the lack of DP in Chinese. We also extend this account to the Mandarin plural marker -men, tying the defi niteness of -men phrases and its number/definiteness interaction to the classifier status of -men and the lack of DP in Chinese. We show that the binding properties of Chinese possessors also provide evidence for the no-DP analysis of Chinese. Finally, we propose a semantic account of certain differences in the order of NP-internal elements between Chinese and Serbo-Croatian, another language that lacks DP.
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Information: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 8 (2013), Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 173 - 204
Article type: Original article
On word order, binding relations, and plurality in Chinese Noun Phrases
University of Connecticut and Tsinghua University, Chiny, Beijing, Haidian
University of Connecticut and Tsinghua University, Chiny, Beijing, Haidian
Published at: 02.04.2014
Article status: Open
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