Publication date: 18.10.2018
Numer został dofinansowany ze środków Stowarzyszenia Żydowski Instytut Historyczny w Polsce oraz Wydziału Humanistycznego Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie.
Editorial team
Editor-in-Chief Wojciech Woźniak
Secretary Lidia Jerkiewicz
Guest issue editors Magdalena Koch, Katarzyna Taczyński
Studia Judaica, Issue 1 (41), 2018, pp. 1-6 Judaica, Issue 1 (41), 2018, pp. 203-207
Słowa kluczowe: Sephardic women, memory strategies, orality/textuality, cultural transfer, digitizing archival texts, Laura Papo, Muhamed Nezirović, Gordana Kuić, Holocaust representation, formats of Holocaust representation, role of memory and memory mediation, primary and secondary memory, first- and second-generaton survivors as co-authors, gender in Holocaust representation, identity, Jewish women writers, female outlook in literature, cultural legacy, dual belonging, strategies of preserving the memory, individual testimony and collective memory, Goli Otok, Holocaust, biography, Eva Nahir Panić, borderline, postmemory, identity, Croatian literature, Holocaust, memory, archives, children, ethics, interwar period in Bulgarian literature, history of translation, Jewish press, Zionist movement in Bulgaria, Dora Gabe, Edmond Fleg, Rachel Dalven, Yosef Eliya, Cavafy, Ritsos, Ioannina, Romaniote, Judeo-Greek, Holocaust, Albania, Jewish women, identity, Holocaust autobiographies, resistance, Sarajevo, the Jewish press, Judeo-Spanish, Ladino, short stories, sketches, amateurish prose, memory