The problem of the overheating of twenty-first century cities (UHI) versus greenery
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEProblem przegrzewania miast XXI wieku (MWC) a zieleń miejska
Publication date: 11.2020
Housing Environment, 2020, 32/2020, pp. 50 - 57
The problem of the overheating of twenty-first century cities (UHI) versus greenery
The 21st century has contributed to the development of new, innovative technologies in many areas of life, including medicine, aviation, molecular engineering and construction. Modern technologies are developing very quickly, bringing various conveniences to modern man. However, the 21st century has brought us also the destructive effect of growing weather anomalies associated with deepening climate change.
Living in the age of consumerism, we should think about how we are contributing to this state? Can we, living today, improve our existence? Can the solutions proposed nowadays protect us from many negative effects of climate change? Can we influence the increase in air pollution, temperature rise and the associated growing phenomena such as floods and fires?
Citizens of modern cities are facing many of these inconveniences. We, as architects and urban planners, should react and implement solutions that will improve living conditions.
The subject of the articles is to present selected examples of solutions for the use of greenery, which will help to eliminate unfavorable climate conditions in cities. Properly designed greenery, both on the urban and architectural scale of the city, contributes to the leveling of the Urban Heat Island, improves the comfort of living, and is a stabilizer of temperature and humidity. Research with a thermal imaging camera shows how the use of greenery contributes to lowering the temperature in downtown buildings.
The results of the research are a supplement to the analyses carried out in connection with the observation of thermal behavior of urban development. The possibility of referencing the results will influence the residents’ awareness. It is important to use appropriate building materials and greenery as one of the elements improving the comfort of living in the city.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2020, 32/2020, pp. 50 - 57
Article type: Original article
The problem of the overheating of twenty-first century cities (UHI) versus greenery
Problem przegrzewania miast XXI wieku (MWC) a zieleń miejska
Urban Design and Spatial Planning Department, Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology
Published at: 11.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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Polish, EnglishView count: 718
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