Gra brył domu jednorodzinnego

Publication date: 05.2020

Housing Environment, 2019, 29/2019, pp. 80 - 100



Tomasz Kozłowski
Housing and Architectural Composition, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4548-9490 Orcid
All publications →


The play of solids in a single-family house



The world of architecture is changing, it is quite obvious. Once so necessary as a sine qua non condition for the existence of a work of art, beauty has died. Function, which has been building the shape of architecture for decades, is a rather trivial pre­text today. The composition necessary to create art has been killed by avant-garde art. The art of decomposition has pushed its way into the world of architecture. The single-family house we have become accustomed to is also changing its shape. The spirit of expressionism invades residential architecture. Design science has to follow a new, not entirely known path.



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Information: Housing Environment, 2019, 29/2019, pp. 80 - 100

Article type: Original article



The play of solids in a single-family house


Gra brył domu jednorodzinnego



Tomasz Kozłowski
Housing and Architectural Composition, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4548-9490 Orcid
All publications →

Housing and Architectural Composition, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology

Published at: 05.2020

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Tomasz Kozłowski (Author) - 100%

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Publication languages:

Polish, English

View count: 820

Number of downloads: 930

<p> The play of solids in a single-family house</p>