Materializacja wyciszenia. Struktura urbanistyczna czasu wolnego

Publication date: 22.11.2016

Housing Environment, 2016, 16/2016, pp. 83 - 91


Renata Mikielewicz
Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki, Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Łódzka
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6891-4138 Orcid
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The Materialization of Silence. The Urban Structure of Leisure


According to the 24. article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the right to have leisure is one of the immanent personal rights. The need to have a rest is especially necessary because of the pace of life and the need to concentrate on countless information from surroundings and virtual space. At the same time mobility and ‘space consumption’ individualize the perception. The image of space is identified as the same as personal needs and perceived only through the experience of the user. This then influence the forming of the space, especially the leisure space. The inhabitant becomes a tourist, and the traveler influence the everyday life of the citizens of a city because the attractiveness of the recreational space increase the economical value of the city itself. Considerations to the composition of the leisure space start a quest for a definition of the contemporary urban lifestyle trends and its influence on the urban structure of a city.


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Information: Housing Environment, 2016, 16/2016, pp. 83 - 91

Article type: Original article



The Materialization of Silence. The Urban Structure of Leisure


Materializacja wyciszenia. Struktura urbanistyczna czasu wolnego



Renata Mikielewicz
Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki, Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Łódzka
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6891-4138 Orcid
All publications →

Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki, Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Łódzka

Published at: 22.11.2016

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