Sustainable design in terms of use of environmentally friendly materials
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEProjektowanie zrównoważone w aspekcie zastosowania materiałów proekologicznych
Publication date: 2023
Housing Environment, 2022, 41/2022, pp. 65 - 77
Sustainable design in terms of use of environmentally friendly materials
The paper presents the problem of sustainable design in terms of multi-criteria evaluation methods focusing on the selection and use of building materials in the design. Based on the guidelines and procedures of such assessment methods as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), BREAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), and others, environmentally friendly building materials were selected for the design of specific building structures was made. For the construction of low-rise single-family homes, products made from waste were used. For the construction of a multipurpose, highrise building, the material chosen was cross-laminated timber (CLT), which is characterized by good environmental performance. The design of a multipurpose urban complex used environmentally friendly concrete, the manufacturing process of which has a dramatically reduced carbon footprint. An analysis of the properties of the building materials, their selection in terms of sustainability, and their use in designs provide tangible benefits in terms of the quality of formation of the built environment.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2022, 41/2022, pp. 65 - 77
Article type: Original article
Sustainable design in terms of use of environmentally friendly materials
Projektowanie zrównoważone w aspekcie zastosowania materiałów proekologicznych
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology
Published at: 2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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Polish, EnglishView count: 415
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