Study of the Size of Urban Interiors in the Housing Environment from the Perspective of Human Preferences, Based on the Example of an Elongated Interior
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEBadanie wielkości wnętrz urbanistycznych w środowisku mieszkaniowym przez pryzmat preferencji człowieka na przykładzie wnętrza podłużnego
Publication date: 06.2023
Housing Environment, 2023, 42/2023, pp. 87 - 101
Study of the Size of Urban Interiors in the Housing Environment from the Perspective of Human Preferences, Based on the Example of an Elongated Interior
This paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary study conducted in 2018–2019 by a team of researchers from the CUT FA in collaboration with specialists in environmental psychology. The aim of the research was to discern the boundary values of the dimensions of a selected urban interior model in a multifamily housing environment in terms of the statistical user preferences. A research experiment was used in which a series of 18 virtual urban interiors were developed, which were observed and evaluated by respondents, who were administered a pre-prepared semantic differential questionnaire. The observation was performed in a VR environment for maximum research environment parameter control.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2023, 42/2023, pp. 87 - 101
Article type: Original article
Study of the Size of Urban Interiors in the Housing Environment from the Perspective of Human Preferences, Based on the Example of an Elongated Interior
Badanie wielkości wnętrz urbanistycznych w środowisku mieszkaniowym przez pryzmat preferencji człowieka na przykładzie wnętrza podłużnego
Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Krakowska
HSA Architektura
Published at: 06.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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Polish, EnglishView count: 430
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